c++ 在自定义异常的 method/constructor 签名中有和没有 throw()

c++ with and without throw() in method/constructor signature for a custom exception

我是 C++ 的初学者,因此对于这个愚蠢的问题深表歉意。我把它贴在这里是因为我在 Whosebug 上找不到类似的答案。

我正在处理 C++ 中的异常,并且在动手处理自定义异常时,我有这段代码

class MyException: public std::exception{
    virtual const char* what() const throw() {
        return "something bad happened";


// class that throws above exception

class canGoWrong {
        throw MyException();




class my_custom_shit_exception: public std::exception {
    const char* show() { // I omitted the const throw() here
            return "This is an error encountered\n";

class myclass {
    myclass() {
        throw my_custom_shit_exception();


const char* show() {
        return "This is an error encountered\n";
virtual const char* what() const throw() {
    return "something bad happened";



class std::exception {
    virtual const char* what() const throw();


请注意异常规范现在已被弃用:相反,自 C++11 以来,有 noexcept 说明符来声明 "guarantee" 不抛出异常的函数。此外,自 C++17 以来,throw() 已成为 noexcept(true) 的同义词,但行为略有不同。

更多详细信息,请参阅 noexceptthis description

那里还说:"Note that a noexcept specification on a function is not a compile-time check; it is merely a method for a programmer to inform the compiler whether or not a function should throw exceptions. The compiler can use this information to enable certain optimizations on non-throwing functions [...]"。

我想展示一些 Scott Meyers 的名言

"Effective C++" 第三版

int doSomething() throw(); // note empty exception spec.

This doesn’t say that doSomething will never throw an exception; it says that if doSomething throws an exception, it’s a serious error, and the unexpected function should be called. †

For information on the unexpected function, consult your favorite search engine or comprehensive C++ text. (You’ll probably have better luck searching for set_unexpected, the function that specifies the unexpected function.)

并且来自 "Effective Modern C++"

In C++11, unconditional noexcept is for functions that guarantee they won’t emit exceptions.

If, at runtime, an exception leaves f, f’s exception specification is violated. With the C++98 exception specification, the call stack is unwound to f’s caller, and, after some actions not relevant here, program execution is terminated. With the C++11 exception specification, runtime behavior is slightly different: the stack is only possibly unwound before program execution is terminated. The difference between unwinding the call stack and possibly unwinding it has a surprisingly large impact on code generation. In a noexcept function, optimizers need not keep the runtime stack in an unwindable state if an exception would propagate out of the function, nor must they ensure that objects in a noexcept function are destroyed in the inverse order of construction should an exception leave the function. Functions with “throw()” exception specifications lack such optimization flexibility, as do functions with no exception specification at all.