使用 beautifulSoup 添加 'if' 子句

Add in 'if' clause using beautifulSoup

我正在使用 BeautifulSoup 来抓取公司网站的工作职位(我有权限)。下面的代码能够 运行 并且输出是职位发布的 url,但是我想添加一个条件,该条件必须在返回 url 之前为真。


import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 

base = "http://implementconsultinggroup.com"
url = "http://implementconsultinggroup.com/career/#/1143"

req = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(req,'html.parser')
links = soup.select("a")

for link in links:
    if "career" in link.get("href") and 'COPENHAGEN' in link.text:
        res = requests.get(base + link.get("href")).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(res,'html.parser')
        title = soup.select_one("h1.page-intro__title").get_text() if 
soup.select_one("h1.section__title") else ""
        overview = soup.select_one("p.page-intro__longDescription").get_text()
        details = soup.select_one("div.rte").get_text()
        print(title, link, details)


我想 运行 上面的代码,但我只想对 'Level' 是 = Graduate 的链接实际显示输出。我已经写了下面的,但是它不起作用。

level = soup.find_all('dd', {'class': 'author'})
    if "Graduate" in text



<a href="/career/management-consultants-within-supply-chain-management/" class="box-link">
                                    <h2 class="article__title--tiny" data-searchable-text="">Management consultants within supply chain management</h2>
                                    <p class="article__longDescription" data-searchable-text="">COPENHAGEN • We are looking for bright graduates with a passion for supply chain management and supply chain planning for our planning and execution excellence team.</p>
                                    <div class="styled-link styled-icon">
                                        <span class="icon icon-icon">
                                            <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i>
                                        <span class="icon-text">View Position</span>

<div class="small-12 medium-3 columns top-lined">
                                    <dd class="author">Management Consultant</dd>
                                    <dd class="author">Graduate</dd>
                                    <dd class="author">Operations strategy, Supply chain management</dd>
                                    <dd class="author">Copenhagen</dd>


理想情况下,我将能够 运行 我创建的代码,它会过滤掉 Level != Graduate 的位置。


req = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(req,'html.parser')

for li in soup.find('ul', class_='list-articles list').find_all('li'):
    level = li.find_all('dd', {'class': 'author'})[1].get_text()
    if "Graduate" in level:
        links = li.select("a")
        for link in links:
            if "career" in link.get("href") and 'COPENHAGEN' in link.text:
                res = requests.get(base + link.get("href")).text
                soup = BeautifulSoup(res,'html.parser')
                title = soup.select_one("h1.page-intro__title").get_text() if soup.select_one("h1.section__title") else ""
                overview = soup.select_one("p.page-intro__longDescription").get_text()
                details = soup.select_one("div.rte").get_text()
            print(title, link, details)