我如何测试无法引用相同 属性 的情况?

How do i test a case where i cant reference to the same property?

测试用例:当我编辑客户时,存储库由于某种原因无法更新,服务应该 return 这个异常。


  public bool EditCustomer(CustomerViewModel customerToEdit)
       return  _repository.Update(customerToEdit.ToEntity());

    public void SetUp()
        this._customerRepositoryMock = Substitute.For<ICustomerRepository>();
        this._customerService = new CustomerService(this._customerRepositoryMock);

public void EditCustomerShouldReturnTrueWhenCustomerIsCreated()
    var c = new CustomerViewModel();

    _customerRepositoryMock.Update(c.ToEntity()).Returns(x => {throw new Exception();});

    Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => _customerService.EditCustomer(c));

这个测试用例当然不会工作,因为 customerToEdit.ToEntity() != c.ToEntity() 因为它们不引用同一个对象。有什么办法可以测试这个案例吗?或者我应该重写整个应用程序,并让控制器负责实体之间的转换?

我不确定您使用的是哪个库,但是使用 Moq 可以通过多种方式实现:

var viewModel = new CustomerViewModel();
var customerRepositoryMock = new Mock<ICustomerRepository>();

// If you just want to test out the behavior of an exception being thrown,
// regardless of what is passed in
    .Setup(r => r.Update(It.IsAny<CustomerViewModel>()))

// If you need to throw an exception when the viewmodel contains certain properties
    .Setup(r => r.Update(It.Is<CustomerViewModel>(c => c.Id == viewModel.Id)))

// If you need to throw an exception with specific properties, and verify those
    .Setup(r => r.Update(It.Is<CustomerViewModel>(c => c.Id == viewModel.Id)))
    .Throws(new Exception("some message"));


我在这里省略了您的 ToEntity() 方法,因为重点是向您展示更多 "loose" 确定输入参数是否相等的方法,例如按类型或按属性,而不仅仅是按引用.