`coerce` 和类型变量的实例化

`coerce` and instantiation of type variables

考虑以下 GHCi 会话:

>:set -XTypeApplications
>import Data.Map.Strict
>import GHC.Exts
>newtype MySet a = MySet (Map a ())
>let member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool; member' = coerce member

<interactive>:21:57: error:
    * Couldn't match representation of type `a0' with that of `()'
        arising from a use of `coerce'
    * In the expression: coerce member
      In an equation for member': member' = coerce member
>let member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool; member' = coerce (member @_ @())

我有预感这里发生了什么:类型检查器需要满足 Coercible (Ord a => a -> Map a b -> Bool) (Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool) 并且无法将此约束中的 b 实例化为 ()

有没有比 -XTypeApplications 更优雅的方法?

编辑:我特别在寻找解决方案来处理类型中 MySet a 的多次出现,例如 union :: Ord a => MySet a -> MySet a -> MySet a.

member :: Ord a => a -> Map a b -> Bool
member' :: Ord a => a -> MySet a -> Bool

GHC 需要接受

Coercible (Map a b) (MySet a)


Coercible (MySet a) (Map a ())


Coercible (Map a ()) (Map a b)


Coercible () b

但是b是什么?这是模棱两可的。在这种情况下,b 是什么并不重要,因为根据参数性,member 不可能关心。因此,选择 b ~ () 并简单地解决强制转换是完全合理的。但是GHC在类型推断中一般不会进行这样的参数分析。我怀疑改变它可能很棘手。最特别的是,任何时候类型推断 "guesses",都存在它可能猜错并在其他地方阻止推断的风险。这是一大罐蠕虫。


TypeApplications 的解决方案非常简单:

{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

import Data.Coerce
import qualified Data.Map as M

newtype Set a = Set (M.Map a ())

member :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
member = coerce (M.member @_ @())

union :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
union = coerce (M.union @_ @())


smap :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
smap = coerce (M.mapKeys @_ @_ @())


>:set -fprint-explicit-foralls
>:i M.mapKeys
M.mapKeys ::
  forall k2 k1 a. Ord k2 => (k1 -> k2) -> M.Map k1 a -> M.Map k2 a

您从 :i 获得的可变顺序与 TypeApplications 使用的相同。

请注意,您不能将 coerce 用于 fromList - 这不是限制,只是没有意义:

fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a
fromList = coerce (M.fromList @_ @())


* Couldn't match representation of type `a' with that of `(a, ())'


fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a
fromList = coerce (M.fromList @_ @()) . map (flip (,) ())