如何比较 bash 中的 2 个范围列表?

How to compare 2 lists of ranges in bash?

使用 bash 脚本 (Ubuntu 16.04),我正在尝试比较 2 个范围列表:file1 中任何范围内的任何数字是否与 file1 中任何范围内的任何数字一致文件 2 中的范围?如果是这样,打印第二个文件中的行。在这里,我将每个范围作为 2 个制表符分隔的列(在文件 1 中,第 1 行表示范围 1-4,即 1、2、3、4)。真正的文件是相当大的。

文件 1:

1 4
5 7 
8 11
12 15

文件 2:

3 4 
8 13 
20 24


3 4 
8 13


awk 'NR=FNR { x[] = +0; y[] = +0; next}; 
{for (i in x) {if (x[i] > +0); then
{for (i in y) {if (y[i] <+0); then            
{print , }}}}}' file1 file2 > output.txt

此 returns 一个空文件。

我认为脚本需要使用 if-then 条件进行范围比较,并遍历两个文件中的每一行。我找到了每个概念的示例,但无法弄清楚如何将它们组合起来。


当然,这取决于您的文件有多大。如果它们不够大,无法耗尽内存,您可以试试这个 100% bash 解决方案:

declare -a min=() # array of lower bounds of ranges
declare -a max=() # array of upper bounds of ranges

# read ranges in second file, store then in arrays min and max
while read a b; do
    min+=( "$a" );
    max+=( "$b" );
done < file2

# read ranges in first file    
while read a b; do
    # loop over indexes of min (and max) array
    for i in "${!min[@]}"; do
        if (( max[i] >= a && min[i] <= b )); then # if ranges overlap
            echo "${min[i]} ${max[i]}" # print range
            unset min[i] max[i]        # performance optimization
done < file1


编辑 1:改进了范围重叠测试。

编辑 2:重新使用了 RomanPerekhrest 提出的优秀优化(未设置已打印的范围 file2)。当范围重叠的概率高时,性能应该更好。

编辑 3:与 RomanPerekhrest 提出的 awk 版本的性能比较(修复最初的小错误后):awk 在 10 到 20 之间在这个问题上比 bash 快 1 倍。如果性能很重要,而您在 awkbash 之间犹豫不决,则首选:

awk 'NR == FNR { a[FNR] = ; b[FNR] = ; next; }
    { for (i in a)
          if ( <= b[i] && a[i] <= ) {
              print a[i], b[i]; delete a[i]; delete b[i];
    }' file2 file1
awk 'FNR == 1 && NR == 1 { file=1 } FNR == 1 && NR != 1 { file=2 } file ==1 { for (q=1;q<=NF;q++) { nums[$q]=[=10=]} } file == 2 { for ( p=1;p<=NF;p++) { for (i in nums) { if (i == $p) { print [=10=] } } } }' file1 file2


FNR == 1 && NR == 1 { 
FNR == 1 && NR != 1 { 
file == 1 { 
           for (q=1;q<=NF;q++) { 
file == 2 {
      for ( p=1;p<=NF;p++) {
         for (i in nums) {
             if (i == $p) {
                      print [=11=]

基本上我们在处理第一个文件时设置file = 1,在处理第二个文件时设置file = 2。当我们在第一个文件中时,将该行读入以该行的每个字段为键的数组中。当我们在第二个文件中时,处理数组 (nums) 并检查该行的每个字段是否有一个条目。如果有,打印出来。

awk 解决办法:

awk 'NR==FNR{ a[]=; next }
     { for(i in a) 
           if ((>=i+0 && <=a[i]) || (<=a[i] && >=i+0)) { 
               print i,a[i]; delete a[i];
     }' file2 file1


3 4
8 13

对于 GNU awk,因为我正在控制 for 扫描顺序以优化时间:

$ cat program.awk
NR==FNR {                                         # hash file1 to a
    if(( in a==0) || <a[])                  # avoid collisions
    for(i in a) {                                 # in desc order
        # print "DEBUG: For:",[=10=] ":", a[i], i     # remove # for debug
        if(i+0>) {                              # next after
            if(<=i+0 && a[i]<=) {


$ cat file1
0 3 # testing for completely overlapping ranges
1 4
5 7 
8 11
12 15
$ cat file2
1 2 # testing for completely overlapping ranges
3 4 
8 13 
20 24


$ awk -f program.awk file1 file2
1 2
3 4 
8 13 

$ awk -f program.awk file2 file1
0 3
1 4
8 11
12 15

如果首选 Perl 解决方案,那么下面一行就可以了

/tmp> cat marla1.txt
1 4
5 7
8 11
12 15
/tmp> cat marla2.txt
3 4
8 13
20 24
/tmp> perl -lane ' BEGIN { %kv=map{split(/\s+/)} qx(cat marla2.txt) } { foreach(keys %kv) { if($F[0]==$_ or $F[1]==$kv{$_}) { print "$_ $kv{$_}" }} } ' marla1.txt
3 4
8 13

如果范围根据其下限排序,我们可以使用它来提高算法的效率。这个想法是交替处理 file1 和 file2 中的范围。更准确地说,当我们在 file2 中有一个特定范围 R 时,我们在 file1 中采取越来越远的范围,直到我们知道这些范围是否与 [=19= 重叠]R。一旦我们知道这一点,我们就切换到 file2.


exec 3< ""  # file whose ranges are checked for overlap with those ...
exec 4< ""  # ... from this file, and if so, are written to stdout

l4=-1  # lower bound of current range from file 2 
u4=-1  # upper bound
# initialized with -1 so the first range is read on the first iteration

echo "Ranges in  that intersect any ranges in :"
while read l3 u3; do  # read next range from file 1
  if (( u4 >= l3 )); then
    (( l4 <= u3 )) && echo "$l3 $u3"
  else  # the upper bound from file 2 is below the lower bound from file 1, so ...
    while read l4 u4; do  # ... we read further ranges from file 2 until ...
      if (( u4 >= l3 )); then  # ... their upper bound is high enough
        (( l4 <= u3 )) && echo "$l3 $u3"
    done <&4
done <&3

脚本可以用./script.sh file2 file1
