Rakudo Perl 6 在 Scala 中是否具有类似 case Class 的结构?

Does Rakudo Perl 6 have the struct like case Class in Scala?

在 Scala 中,案例 Class 如下所示:

val alice   = Person("Alice",   25, Address("1 Scala Lane", "Chicago", "USA"))
val bob     = Person("Bob",     29, Address("2 Java Ave.",  "Miami",   "USA"))
val charlie = Person("Charlie", 32, Address("3 Python Ct.", "Boston",  "USA"))

for (person <- Seq(alice, bob, charlie)) {
    person match {
        case Person("Alice", 25, Address(_, "Chicago", _) => println("Hi Alice!")
        case Person("Bob",   29, Address("2 Java Ave.", "Miami", "USA")) => println("Hi Bob!")
        case Person(name,   age, _) => println(s"Who are you, $age year-old person named $name?")

我想在 Perl 6 中实现它,但失败了:

class Address {
    has Str $.street;
    has Str $.city;
    has Str $.country;

class Person {
    has Str $.name;
    has Int $.age;
    has $.address;

my $alice   = Person.new(:name("Alice"),   :age(25), :address(Address.new(:street("1 Scala Lane"), :city("Chicago"), :country("USA"))));
my $bob     = Person.new(:name("Bob"),     :age(29), :address(Address.new(:street("2 Java Ave."), :city("Miami"), :country("USA"))));
my $charlie = Person.new(:name("Charlie"), :age(32), :address(Address.new(:street("3 Python Ct."), :city("Boston"), :country("USA"))));

for ($alice, $bob, $charlie) -> $s {
  given $s {
    # when Person { say $alice }; # works!
    when Person.new(:name("Alice"),   :age(25), :address(Address.new(:street("1 Scala Lane"), :city("Chicago"), :country("USA")))) {
      say "Hi Alice!"; # doesn't work
    when Person.new(:name("Bob"),     :age(29), :address(Address.new(:street("2 Java Ave."), :city("Miami"), :country("USA")))) {
       say "Hi Bob!" # doesn't work
    when Person.new(:name("Charlie"), :age(32), :address(Address.new(:street("3 Python Ct."), :city("Boston"), :country("USA")))) {
      say "Who are you, $age year-old person named $name?"; # doesn't work

Scala 中的模式匹配似乎更强大。但是我想知道Rakudo Perl 6是否可以做到这一点?

尝试在 when 语句中使用 * eqv 来检查两个对象的结构是否相同。

class Address {
    has Str $.street;
    has Str $.city;
    has Str $.country;

class Person {
    has Str $.name;
    has Int $.age;
    has $.address;

my $alice   = Person.new(:name("Alice"), :age(25), :address(Address.new(:street("1 Scala Lane"), :city("Chicago"), :country("USA"))));
my $bob     = Person.new(:name("Bob"), :age(29), :address(Address.new(:street("2 Java Ave."), :city("Miami"), :country("USA"))));
my $charlie = Person.new(:name("Charlie"), :age(32), :address(Address.new(:street("3 Python Ct."), :city("Boston"), :country("USA"))));

for ($alice, $bob, $charlie) {
    when * eqv Person.new(:name("Alice"),:age(25), :address(Address.new(:street("1 Scala Lane"), :city("Chicago"), :country("USA")))) {
        say "Hi Alice!";

    when * eqv Person.new(:name("Bob"), :age(29), :address(Address.new(:street("2 Java Ave."), :city("Miami"), :country("USA")))) {
       say "Hi Bob!";
    when Person {
       say "Who are you, {.age} year-old person named {.name}?";


在此代码中,没有签名的 for 循环会自动设置主题(即 $_),因此不需要 given 块。

最后一个 when 块中的 {.age} 正在访问 $_.age 方法并将其插入到字符串中。

此外,由于对象与自身智能匹配,使用以下 for 循环可获得完全相同的结果:

for ($alice, $bob, $charlie) {
    when $alice { say "Hi Alice!"                                          }
    when $bob   { say "Hi Bob!"                                            }
    when Person { say "Who are you, {.age} year-old person named {.name}?" }