centos 7 firewall-cmd --panic-on idle

centos 7 firewall-cmd --panic-on idle

我在这里探索安全功能,当我输入 "firewall-cmd --panic-on" 到 CLI 时,系统只是挂起。

森托斯 7 内核 3.10

我认为这不应该发生,b/c 当我阅读文档时,我看到我应该能够 firewall-cmd --panic-off,但我什至无法通过另一个终端 ssh 除非我重启服务器。


"firewall-cmd --panic-on" 有错误吗?


       Enable panic mode. All incoming and outgoing packets are dropped, active connections will expire. Enable this only if there are

serious problems with your network environment. For example if the machine is getting hacked in. As this switch drops all incoming connections and kills established active connections, so you can not issue --panic-off using ssh. You have to run firewall-cmd --panic-off using console access.