
What should I call the symbol “|”?A pipe or bit operator


def update_page_info(url):
    # fetch_page -> parse_page -> store_page
    chain = fetch_page.s(url) | parse_page.s() | store_page_info.s(url)

def fetch_page(url):
    return myhttplib.get(url)

def parse_page(page):
    return myparser.parse_document(page)

def store_page_info(info, url):
    PageInfo.objects.create(url=url, info=info)

你有一个管道字符(更准确的说法是vertical bar character), which when used in an expression is called a binary bitwise operator:

The | operator yields the bitwise (inclusive) OR of its arguments, which must be integers.

运算符可通过 __or__ special method, which is what SQLAlchemy uses to build queries, as seen in your example code (in contrast to the boolean or operator 连接,由于其短路行为而无法连接。