tshark 提取字段及其字符串表示

tshark extract fields with their string representation

我有一个 tshark 的 pcap 文件,其中包含我要分析的数据。我想分析它并导出到 CSV 或 xls 文件。在 tshark documentation 中,我可以看到我可以将 -z 选项与适当的参数一起使用,或者将 -T-E-e 一起使用。我在 Debian 机器上使用 python 3.6。目前,我的命令如下所示:

command="tshark -q -o tcp.relative_sequence_numbers:false -o tcp.analyze_sequence_numbers:false " \
              "-o tcp.track_bytes_in_flight:false -Q -l -z diameter,avp,272,Session-Id,Origin-Host," \
              "Origin-Realm,Destination-Realm,Auth-Application-Id,Service-Context-Id,CC-Request-Type,CC-Request-Number," \
              "Subscription-Id,CC-Session-Failover,Destination-Host,User-Name,Origin-State-Id," \
              "Multiple-Services-Credit-Control,Requested-Service-Unit,Used-Service-Unit,SN-Total-Used-Service-Unit," \
              "SN-Remaining-Service-Unit,Service-Identifier,Rating-Group,User-Equipment-Info,Service-Information," \
              "Route-Record,Credit-Control-Failure-Handling -r {}".format(args.input_file)

稍后我用 pandas 数据帧处理它,如下所示:

# loops adding TCP and/or UDP ports to scan traffic from
    if args.tcp:
        for port in args.tcp:
            command += " -d tcp.port=={},diameter".format(port)

    if args.udp:
        for port in args.udp:
            command += " -d udp.port=={},diameter".format(port)

    # calling subprocess with output redirection to task variable
    task = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

    # a loop adding new data dictionaries to data_list
    for line in task.stdout:
        line = re.sub(r"'", "", line.decode("utf-8")) # firstly, decode byte string and get rid of '
        # secondly, split string every whitespace or = and obtain dictionary-like list of keys, values
        line = re.split(r"\s|=", line)

        # convert obtained list to ordered dictionary to preserve column order
        # transform list to dictionary so that each i item is dictionary key and i+1 item is it's value
        dict = OrderedDict(line[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(line)-2, 2))

    # remove last 4 dictionaries (last 4 lines of task.stdout)
    data_list = data_list[:-4]
    df = pd.DataFrame(data_list).fillna("-") # create data frame from list of dicts and fill each NaN with "-"
    df.to_excel("{}.xls".format(args.output_file), index=False)
    print("Please remember that 'frame' column may not correspond to row index!")

当我打开输出文件时,我可以看到它工作正常,除了在例如CC-Request-Number 我有数值而不是字符串表示,例如在 Wireshark 中,我有这样的数据:

并且在 CC-Request-Number 列的输出 excel 文件中,我可以在与此数据包对应的行中看到 3,而不是 TERMINATION-REQUEST

我的问题是:如何在使用 -z 选项时将此数字转换为其字符串表示形式,或者(正如我从网上看到的内容所猜测的那样)如何获取字段使用 -T-e 命令上面提到的值?我用 tshark -G 列出了所有可用字段,但它们太多了,我想不出任何合理的方法来找到我想要的字段。

奇怪的是,对于 -T fields-e,tshark 总是打印数字表示,但对于 "Custom Fields" 输出格式,它打印文本表示。好消息是自定义字段模式实际上比 -T fields 模式快 3 倍。坏消息我知道没有办法控制自定义字段之间的分隔字符,因此如果您的字段内容可能包含空格,则似乎无法使用。

而不是 -z,试试这个:

-o column.format:'"time", "%t", "type", "%Cus:diameter.CC-Request-Number"'

感谢 John Zwick 的建议, and Python documentation on The ElementTree XML API I implemented code presented below (I downloaded dictionary.xml and chargecontrol.xml 来自官方 Wireshark Github 存储库:

chargecontrol_tree = ET.parse("chargecontrol.xml")
dictionary_tree = ET.parse("dictionary.xml")
chargecontrol_root = chargecontrol_tree.getroot()
dictionary_root = dictionary_tree.getroot()

# list that will contain data dictionaries
data_list = []

# base command
command = "tshark -q -o tcp.relative_sequence_numbers:false -o tcp.analyze_sequence_numbers:false " \
          "-o tcp.track_bytes_in_flight:false -Q -l -z diameter,avp,272,Session-Id,Origin-Host," \
          "Origin-Realm,Destination-Realm,Auth-Application-Id,Service-Context-Id,CC-Request-Type,CC-Request-Number," \
          "Subscription-Id-Data,Subscription-Id-Type,CC-Session-Failover,Destination-Host,User-Name,Origin-State-Id," \
          "Requested-Service-Unit,Used-Service-Unit,SN-Total-Used-Service-Unit," \
          "SN-Remaining-Service-Unit,Service-Identifier,Rating-Group,User-Equipment-Info,Service-Information," \
          "Route-Record,Credit-Control-Failure-Handling -r {}".format(args.input_file)

# loops adding tcp and/or udp ports to scan traffic from
if args.tcp:
    for port in args.tcp:
        command += " -d tcp.port=={},diameter".format(port)

if args.udp:
    for port in args.udp:
        command += " -d udp.port=={},diameter".format(port)

# calling subprocess with output redirection to task variable
task = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

# a loop adding new data dictionaries to data_list
for line in task.stdout:
    line = re.sub(r"'", "", line.decode("utf-8")) # firstly, decode byte string and get rid of '
    # secondly, split string every whitespace or = and obtain dictionary-like list of keys, values
    line = re.split(r"\s|=", line)

    # convert obtained list to ordered dictionary to preserve column order
    # transform list to dictionary so that each i item is dictionary key and i+1 item is it's value
    dict = OrderedDict(line[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(line)-2, 2))

# remove last 4 dictionaries (last 4 lines of task.stdout)
data_list = data_list[:-4]
df = pd.DataFrame(data_list).fillna("-") # create data frame from list of dicts and fill each NaN with "-"

# values taken from official wireshark repository
# https://github.com/boundary/wireshark/blob/master/diameter/dictionary.xml
# https://github.com/wireshark/wireshark/blob/2832f4e97d77324b4e46aac40dae0ce898ae559d/diameter/chargecontrol.xml
df["Auth-Application-Id"] = df["Auth-Application-Id"].map({node.attrib["code"]:node.attrib["name"] for node in

# list of columns that values of have to be substituted
for col in ["CC-Request-Type", "CC-Session-Failover", "Credit-Control-Failure-Handling", "Subscription-Id-Type"]:
    df[col] = df[col].map({node.attrib["code"]: node.attrib["name"] for node in

df.to_excel("{}.xls".format(args.output_file), index=False)
print("Please remember that 'frame' column may not correspond to row index!")