我如何强制 R 在我的包的 citation() 输出中包含贡献者(或其他角色)?

How can I force R to include contributors (or other roles) in my package's citation() output?

我目前正在编写我的第一个 R 程序包,遵循 Hadley Wickham 关于该主题的出色 book。上面链接的书籍部分包括通过包的 DESCRIPTION 文件添加作者的示例。

博士。威克姆注意到 "The full list of roles is extremely comprehensive. Should your package have a woodcutter ('wdc'), lyricist ('lyr') or costume designer ('cst'), rest comfortably that you can correctly describe their role in creating your package."

我遇到的问题是只有具有 'author' 角色的人才会包含在包的 citation() 输出中——伐木工、作词家和服装设计师不包含。我希望我的包的非作者贡献者包含在引文中,但不想(错误地)将他们列为作者(即具有 "author" / [=16= 的角色) ]).

例如,如果我在 DESCRIPTION 文件中包含以下内容(csplisted as "Consultant to a project"):

Authors@R: c(
    person("John", "Doe", email = "jdoe@example1.com", role = c("aut", "cre")),
    person("Jane", "Smith", email = "jsmith@example2.com", role = "csp", comment = "Provided intellectual overview."))

...citation('mypackagename') 将给出以下内容:

To cite package ‘mypackagename’ in publications use:

  John Doe (NA). mypackagename: My package description. R package version 0.1.0.

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {mypackagename: My package description},
    author = {John Doe},
    note = {R package version 0.1.0},
    url = {https://github.com/link/to/mypackagename},

此外,?mypackagename returns [NA] "Author(s)"下的贡献者:

Maintainer: John Doe jdoe@example1.com

Other contributors:

Jane Smith jsmith@example2.com (Provided intellectual overview.) [NA]

为了解决这个问题,Hmiscuses the following 的作者在他的 DESCRIPTION 文件中:

Author: Frank E Harrell Jr <f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu>, with
  contributions from Charles Dupont and many others.

如何强制 R 在 citation() 输出中包含非作者贡献者(其他角色)? Hmisc 作者的方法在这里最好吗?似乎这可能会破坏 Authors@R 提供的干净的元数据解析,所以我对使用这种方法犹豫不决。


您不能在 citation() 输出中包含其他角色。检查the source of citation(),它只解析作者字段,甚至在源代码中有注释:

    ## <NOTE>
    ## Older versions took persons with no roles as "implied" authors.
    ## Now we only use persons with a name and a 'aut' role.  If there
    ## are none, we use persons with a name and a 'cre' role.
    ## If this still gives nothing (which really should not happen), we
    ## fall back to the plain text Author field.
    ## Checking will at least note the cases where there are no persons
    ## with names and 'aut' or 'cre' roles.

因此,您包含其他角色的唯一方法是使用纯文本描述,如 Hmisc 包的示例。