将可区分的联合划分为有和没有 属性 类型的方法

Way to segment discriminated union into types with and without property


type Route = HomeRoute | ProfileRoute | BlogRoute;

type HomeRoute = {
  route: '/home'

type ProfileRoute = {
  route: '/profile/:userId',
  params: {
    userId: string;

type BlogRoute = {
  route: '/blog/:teamId',
  params: {
    teamId: string;

我有一个对 Route 对象进行操作的函数,如果它们有参数,则有一些可选逻辑:

function processRoute(route: Route) {
  if ('params' in route) {
    const { params } = route; // <-- this errors

似乎没有办法(我可以看到)在不添加 any 注释的情况下检查 params...

function paramsInRoute(route: any): route is { params: {[key: string]: string} } {
  return ('params' in route);

function processRoute(route: Route) {
  if ('params' in route) {
    const { params } = route; // <-- this errors

  if (paramsInRoute(route)) {
    const { params } = route; // <-- this typechecks

有没有办法在不转换为任何(在 paramsInRoute 的参数中)的情况下执行上述操作?

playground link


function paramsInRoute(route: any): route is { params: {[key: string]: string} } {
  return ('params' in route);

因为 TypeScript 肯定会将传入的 Route 对象缩小为 ProfileRoute | BlogRoute

if (paramsInRoute(route)) {
    const notHomeRouteAnymore: ProfileRoute | BlogRoute = route; // no error


const notRoute = "This is not a route";
if (paramsInRoute(notRoute)) { notRoute.params.oops = 'what' };


function paramsInRoute(route: Route): route is Route & { params: {[key: string]: string} } {
  return ('params' in route);


paramsInRoute(notRoute); // error
