在 python 中的换行符后创建用于删除空格的正则表达式

Create a regular expression for deleting whitespaces after a newline in python


So she refused to ex-
       change the feather and the rock be-
       cause she was afraid.


["so","she","refused","to","exchange", "the","feather","and","the","rock","because","she","was","afraid" ]

我尝试使用 "replace("-\n","")" 来尝试将它们组合在一起,但我只得到类似的东西:

["be","cause"] 和 ["ex","change"]


import re

s = '''So she refused to ex-
       change the feather and the rock be-
       cause she was afraid.'''.lower()

s = re.sub(r'-\n\s*', '', s)   # join hyphens
s = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', s)  # remove punctuation



据我所知,Alex Hall 的回答更充分地回答了您的问题(既明确地因为它是正则表达式,也隐含地因为它调整了大写并删除了标点符号),但它跳出了一个很好的生成器候选者。


s = '''So she refused to ex-
       change the feather and the rock be-
       cause she was afraid.'''

def condense(lst):
    while lst:
        tok = lst.pop(0)
        if tok.endswith('-'):
            yield tok[:-1] + lst.pop(0)
            yield tok


# Result:
# ['So', 'she', 'refused', 'to', 'exchange', 'the', 'feather', 
#  'and', 'the', 'rock', 'because', 'she', 'was', 'afraid.']
import re
s.replace('-\n', '') #Replace the newline and - with a space

#Your s would now look like 'So she refused to ex       change the feather and the rock be       cause she was afraid.'

s = re.sub('\s\s+', '', s) #Replace 2 or more whitespaces with a ''

#Now your s would look like 'So she refused to exchange the feather and the rock because she was afraid.'



这需要用任何东西代替,参见a demo on regex101.com
对于第二部分,我建议 nltk 这样你最终会得到:

import re
from nltk import word_tokenize

string = """
So she refused to ex-
       change the feather and the rock be-
       cause she was afraid.

rx = re.compile(r'-?\n\s+')
words = word_tokenize(rx.sub('', string))
# ['So', 'she', 'refused', 'to', 'exchange', 'the', 'feather', 'and', 'the', 'rock', 'because', 'she', 'was', 'afraid', '.']