Modifying types of tuple elements
将类型列表作为可变参数模板参数,可以很容易地对它们执行任意类型操作,从而获得修改类型的元组。例如。要用自定义包装器 class 包装每个元素,可以这样做:
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename ...Values>
using WrappedValues = std::tuple<Wrapper<Values>...>;
using NewTuple = WrappedValues<int, std::string, char>;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
当 std::tuple 的专业化为 "input" 时,如何做同样的事情?例如。应该放置什么而不是“???”使以下代码可编译:
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename Tuple>
using WrappedTupleElements = ???;
using NewTuple = WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<int, std::string, char>>;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
我知道使用 std::tuple_element
首选纯 C++14 答案,但也欢迎使用 C++17、广泛可用的 TSes 或外部库(例如 boost)的提案。
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename Tuple>
struct WrappedTupleElements;
template <class... Values>
struct WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<Values...>> {
using type = std::tuple<Wrapper<Values>...>;
int main() {
using NewTuple = WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<int, std::string, char>>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
一个常见的习惯用法(例如 boost mpl)是使用元函数的概念。
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
namespace metafunction
template<class MetaFunction> using result_of = typename MetaFunction::result;
// meta-function which yields Wrapper<Element> from Element
// type: unary metafunction
// arg1 = the type to wrap
// returns Wrapper<arg1>
template<class Element>
struct apply_wrapper
using result = Wrapper<Element>;
template<class Tuple, template<class> class Function>
struct transform_elements;
// meta-function which takes a tuple and a unary metafunction
// and yields a tuple of the result of applying the metafunction
// to each element_type of the tuple.
// type: binary metafunction
// arg1 = the tuple of types to be wrapped
// arg2 = the unary metafunction to apply to each element_type
// returns tuple<result_of<arg2<element>>...> for each element in arg1
template<class...Elements, template<class> class UnaryMetaFunction>
struct transform_elements<std::tuple<Elements...>, UnaryMetaFunction>
template<class Arg> using function = UnaryMetaFunction<Arg>;
using result = std::tuple
int main() {
using input_type = std::tuple<int, std::string, char>;
using namespace metafunction;
using wrapped_tuple = result_of<transform_elements<input_type, apply_wrapper>>;
static_assert(std::is_same<wrapped_tuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
将类型列表作为可变参数模板参数,可以很容易地对它们执行任意类型操作,从而获得修改类型的元组。例如。要用自定义包装器 class 包装每个元素,可以这样做:
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename ...Values>
using WrappedValues = std::tuple<Wrapper<Values>...>;
using NewTuple = WrappedValues<int, std::string, char>;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
当 std::tuple 的专业化为 "input" 时,如何做同样的事情?例如。应该放置什么而不是“???”使以下代码可编译:
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename Tuple>
using WrappedTupleElements = ???;
using NewTuple = WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<int, std::string, char>>;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
我知道使用 std::tuple_element
首选纯 C++14 答案,但也欢迎使用 C++17、广泛可用的 TSes 或外部库(例如 boost)的提案。
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
template<typename Tuple>
struct WrappedTupleElements;
template <class... Values>
struct WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<Values...>> {
using type = std::tuple<Wrapper<Values>...>;
int main() {
using NewTuple = WrappedTupleElements<std::tuple<int, std::string, char>>::type;
static_assert(std::is_same<NewTuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");
一个常见的习惯用法(例如 boost mpl)是使用元函数的概念。
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T> class Wrapper {};
namespace metafunction
template<class MetaFunction> using result_of = typename MetaFunction::result;
// meta-function which yields Wrapper<Element> from Element
// type: unary metafunction
// arg1 = the type to wrap
// returns Wrapper<arg1>
template<class Element>
struct apply_wrapper
using result = Wrapper<Element>;
template<class Tuple, template<class> class Function>
struct transform_elements;
// meta-function which takes a tuple and a unary metafunction
// and yields a tuple of the result of applying the metafunction
// to each element_type of the tuple.
// type: binary metafunction
// arg1 = the tuple of types to be wrapped
// arg2 = the unary metafunction to apply to each element_type
// returns tuple<result_of<arg2<element>>...> for each element in arg1
template<class...Elements, template<class> class UnaryMetaFunction>
struct transform_elements<std::tuple<Elements...>, UnaryMetaFunction>
template<class Arg> using function = UnaryMetaFunction<Arg>;
using result = std::tuple
int main() {
using input_type = std::tuple<int, std::string, char>;
using namespace metafunction;
using wrapped_tuple = result_of<transform_elements<input_type, apply_wrapper>>;
static_assert(std::is_same<wrapped_tuple, std::tuple<Wrapper<int>, Wrapper<std::string>, Wrapper<char>>>::value, "");