为什么我在 Lua 中使用 loadstring 得到了小数点

why did I get a decimal point by using loadstring in Lua

我有一个场景需要将动态运算符传递给 loadstring。这是我找到它的地方,我不明白。


> a = '3'
> b = '7'
> operator = '+'
> loadstring("return a" .. operator .. "b")()
10.0 -- Why do I get then with a decimal point.
> loadstring("return 3" .. operator .. 7)()
10   -- But this one is not?

任何人都可以解释一下 loadstring 里面发生了什么,因为我认为我应该得到相同的结果?

manual 关于应用于字符串的算术运算符是这样说的:

if both operands are numbers or strings that can be converted to numbers (see §3.4.3), then they are converted to floats


loadstring("return " .. a .. operator .. b)()


loadstring("return a" .. operator .. "b")()