如何在 C# 的电报 Bot 中单击 InlineKeyboardCallbackButton 时获取当前的 CallbackData

How Can Get CallbackData in current when InlineKeyboardCallbackButton clicked in telegram Bot in C#

如何在电报机器人中点击 InlineKeyboardCallbackButton?


public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<ActionResult> GetMsgAsync()
     var req = Request.InputStream; 
     var responsString = new StreamReader(req).ReadToEnd(); 
     var update = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Update>(responsString);
     var message = update.Message;  
     var chat = message.Chat;  

  InlineKeyboardMarkup categoryInlineMarkup = new 
         new InlineKeyboardButton[][]
                        new InlineKeyboardButton[]
                  new InlineKeyboardCallbackButton("button1","callbackData")

                await api.SendTextMessageAsync(update.Message.Chat.Id, "Please click the button", replyMarkup: categoryInlineMarkup);

                if (update.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.UpdateType.MessageUpdate)
                    // all codes just run in this block

                if (update.Type == Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums.UpdateType.CallbackQueryUpdate)
                    // I can't get clicked button here 
                    if (update.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("callbackData"))
                        await api.AnswerCallbackQueryAsync(update.CallbackQuery.Id, update.CallbackQuery.Data);


如何在 webhook 方法中而不是在控制台程序中单击此按钮?


  var message = update.Message; 

this line of code is the main problem because this line is not in try catch block and i can't understand which line is the problem .

您可以在您的个人计算机上调试您的电报机器人,而无需在任何主机上上传任何代码,为此您可以 运行 以下 3 个步骤 ::

1- Accessing an IIS Express site from a remote computer

2- Download NGROK

3- 下载 ngrok 后,您可以将电报 webhook 请求转发到您的个人计算机。