在 R text2vec 包中 - LDA 模型可以显示文档中每个标记的主题分布吗?

In R text2vec package - LDA model can show the topic distribution for each tokens in document?

library (text2vec)
library (parallel)
library (doParallel)

N <- parallel::detectCores()
cl <- makeCluster (N)
registerDoParallel (cl)
Ky_young <- read.csv("./Ky_young.csv")

IT <- itoken_parallel (Ky_young$TEXTInfo,
                       ids          = Ky_young$ID,
                       tokenizer    = word_tokenizer,
                       progressbar  = F)

stop_words = readLines("./stopwrd1.txt", encoding="UTF-8")

VOCAB <- create_vocabulary (
        IT, stopwords = stop_words
        ngram = c(1, 1)) %>%
        prune_vocabulary (term_count_min = 5)

VoCAB.order <- VOCAB[order((VOCAB$term_count), decreasing = T),]

VECTORIZER <- vocab_vectorizer (VOCAB)

DTM <- create_dtm (IT, VECTORIZER, distributed = F)

      LatentDirichletAllocation$new (n_topics         = 200,
                                     #vocabulary       = VOCAB, <= ERROR
                                     doc_topic_prior  = 0.1,  
                                     topic_word_prior = 0.01) 

##topic-document distribution
LDA_FIT <- LDA_MODEL$fit_transform (
        x = DTM, 
        n_iter = 50, 
        convergence_tol = -1, 
        n_check_convergence = 10)

#topic-word distribution
topic_word_prior = LDA_MODEL$topic_word_distribution

我在text2vec中创建测试LDA代码,我可以得到word-topic分布和document-topic分布。 (而且速度非常快)

顺便问一下,我想知道是否可以从 text2vec 的 LDA 模型中获取文档中每个标记的主题分布?




遗憾的是,无法获得给定文档中每个标记的主题分布。文档主题计数为 calculated/aggregated "on the fly",因此文档令牌主题分布不会存储在任何地方。