如何停止 "Salesforce Error" 电子邮件报告批量 Apex 错误

How to Stop "Salesforce Error" Emails Reporting Batch Apex errors

我们经常收到来自 Salesforce 的关于 Batch Apex 错误的自动电子邮件,但遇到问题 1) 禁用错误电子邮件和 2) 追踪问题。有没有办法禁用这些错误消息(组织中的许多人会定期收到它们,我宁愿只有一个用户(如果有的话)收到它)?有没有办法具体查看是哪个 Apex 脚本触发了这些错误或获取有关该错误的更多信息?


Organization: Organization Name(0000000000000000)
User: email@gmail.com(0000000000000000)

Salesforce reported the below errors as NPSP was attempting to execute its batch jobs, or at a time when it was unable to display error messages directly to a user. It’s likely that NPSP was attempting to update summary fields on Accounts and Contacts, but was unable to save certain records. This failure might have been caused by a variety of issues unrelated to NPSP, such as custom code or validation rules.

Read this article on the Power of Us Hub to learn how these Scheduled Jobs work: https://powerofus.force.com/NPSP_Scheduled_Jobs

If you’re not sure how to resolve these errors, post a message in the Nonprofit Success Pack group in the Power of Us Hub: https://powerofus.force.com/HUB_NPSP_Group


 Error #1:

Error Type: Batch Apex error
Error Date: 2017-09-11 04:00:25
Message: "First error: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 003i000001ILolWAAT; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Please enter a Mailing Country.: []"
Context: npsp__RLLP_OppSoftCreditRollup_BATCH

Stack Trace:

这不是平台发送的标准邮件。这是 NPSP 发送的自定义电子邮件,您必须已安装它。

如果您不需要这些批处理工作,您可以从 运行ning 转到设置 | 停止它们。计划作业。

如果您确实需要它们 运行,那么您可以转到错误联系 003i000001ILolWAAT 中指示的记录并填写邮寄国家/地区。您还可以关闭需要邮寄国家/地区的验证规则或将其更新为不适用于您的用户,以便在批处理 运行s 时能够通过它。