mulx 的 AT&T/GAS 语法是什么?
What is the AT&T / GAS syntax for mulx?
GAS instructions generally have the form mnemonic source, destination. For instance, the following mov instruction:
但是它没有说明这条规则有什么例外,而且我找不到 table 的说明。但是,official AS documentation doesn't seem to have a section that gives syntax for all the instructions (though it's pretty long, and I might have just missed the section). The normal x86 reference that I use for instructions 并没有明确指定方言,它的参数按目标、源顺序排列。
GAS / AT&T 中 mulx
不包括 MULX,但它确实显示了 3 个操作数 IMUL 指令,如下所示:
imul dest, src, aux (Intel syntax)
imul aux, src, dest (GAS Syntax)
所以 MULX 将是:
mulx dest_hi, dest_lo, src1 (Intel syntax)
mulx src1, dest_lo, dest_hi (GAS Syntax)
GAS instructions generally have the form mnemonic source, destination. For instance, the following mov instruction:
但是它没有说明这条规则有什么例外,而且我找不到 table 的说明。但是,official AS documentation doesn't seem to have a section that gives syntax for all the instructions (though it's pretty long, and I might have just missed the section). The normal x86 reference that I use for instructions 并没有明确指定方言,它的参数按目标、源顺序排列。
GAS / AT&T 中 mulx
不包括 MULX,但它确实显示了 3 个操作数 IMUL 指令,如下所示:
imul dest, src, aux (Intel syntax)
imul aux, src, dest (GAS Syntax)
所以 MULX 将是:
mulx dest_hi, dest_lo, src1 (Intel syntax)
mulx src1, dest_lo, dest_hi (GAS Syntax)