3 秒不触摸时淡出按钮,当用户触摸屏幕时淡入
Fade out button when not touching for 3 seconds and fade in when user touches the screen
我有一个 UIButton,我想在用户不触摸屏幕时淡出几秒钟,并在用户触摸屏幕时淡入。我想我可能需要在 viewdidload 部分使用计时器和一些动画
@IBOutlet var startStopButton: UIButton!
@IBAction func startStopButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
super.viewDidLoad() }
这边我可以帮你。让我以可用性问题作为这个答案的开头。我不确定在 X 秒后点击屏幕上的任意位置以重置(淡入)按钮是否有意义(用户会知道这样做吗?)。您可能想要向 "tap here to reset the button(s)" 添加按钮或某种文本指示器。这一切最终都取决于您的应用程序,但只是把它扔在那里 :)
这里的一般想法是你想要一个每 1 秒运行一个方法的计时器。如果计时器归零,则您会淡出并禁用 startStop 按钮。如果用户点击屏幕上的任意位置(通过整个视图上的手势识别器),则淡入并启用按钮。
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Create these 3 properties in the top of your class
var secondToFadeOut = 5 // How many second do you want the view to idle before the button fades. You can change this to whatever you'd like.
var timer = Timer() // Create the timer!
var isTimerRunning: Bool = false // Need this to prevent multiple timers from running at the same time.
@IBOutlet weak var startStopButton: UIButton! // The outlet for your button. This is used to fade it in and out, and enable / disable it.
override func viewDidLoad() {
startStopButton.isEnabled = true
// Add a tap gesture recognizer to the main view to determine when the screen was tapped (for the purpose of resetting the timer).
let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.tap(_:)))
func runTimer() {
// Create the timer to run a method (in this case... updateTimer) every 1 second.
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: (#selector(ViewController.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
// Set the isTimerRunning bool to true
isTimerRunning = true
@objc func updateTimer() {
// Every 1 second that this method runs, 1 second will be chopped off the secondToFadeOut property. If that hits 0 (< 1), then run the fadeOutButton and invalidate the timer so it stops running.
secondToFadeOut -= 1
if secondToFadeOut < 1 {
isTimerRunning = false
@objc func tap(_ gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
// When the view is tapped (based on the gesture recognizer), reset the secondToFadeOut property, fade in (and enable) the button.
//secondToFadeOut = 5
//if isTimerRunning == false {
// runTimer()
func fadeOutButton() {
// Fade out your button! I also disabled it here. But you can do whatever your little heart desires.
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
self.startStopButton.alpha = 0.25
self.startStopButton.isEnabled = false
func fadeInButton() {
// Fade the button back in, and set it back to active (so it's tappable)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
self.startStopButton.alpha = 1
self.startStopButton.isEnabled = true
@IBAction func startStopButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("Start Stop Button Pressed")
我有一个 UIButton,我想在用户不触摸屏幕时淡出几秒钟,并在用户触摸屏幕时淡入。我想我可能需要在 viewdidload 部分使用计时器和一些动画
@IBOutlet var startStopButton: UIButton!
@IBAction func startStopButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
super.viewDidLoad() }
这边我可以帮你。让我以可用性问题作为这个答案的开头。我不确定在 X 秒后点击屏幕上的任意位置以重置(淡入)按钮是否有意义(用户会知道这样做吗?)。您可能想要向 "tap here to reset the button(s)" 添加按钮或某种文本指示器。这一切最终都取决于您的应用程序,但只是把它扔在那里 :)
这里的一般想法是你想要一个每 1 秒运行一个方法的计时器。如果计时器归零,则您会淡出并禁用 startStop 按钮。如果用户点击屏幕上的任意位置(通过整个视图上的手势识别器),则淡入并启用按钮。
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Create these 3 properties in the top of your class
var secondToFadeOut = 5 // How many second do you want the view to idle before the button fades. You can change this to whatever you'd like.
var timer = Timer() // Create the timer!
var isTimerRunning: Bool = false // Need this to prevent multiple timers from running at the same time.
@IBOutlet weak var startStopButton: UIButton! // The outlet for your button. This is used to fade it in and out, and enable / disable it.
override func viewDidLoad() {
startStopButton.isEnabled = true
// Add a tap gesture recognizer to the main view to determine when the screen was tapped (for the purpose of resetting the timer).
let tapRecognizer = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.tap(_:)))
func runTimer() {
// Create the timer to run a method (in this case... updateTimer) every 1 second.
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: (#selector(ViewController.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
// Set the isTimerRunning bool to true
isTimerRunning = true
@objc func updateTimer() {
// Every 1 second that this method runs, 1 second will be chopped off the secondToFadeOut property. If that hits 0 (< 1), then run the fadeOutButton and invalidate the timer so it stops running.
secondToFadeOut -= 1
if secondToFadeOut < 1 {
isTimerRunning = false
@objc func tap(_ gestureRecognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
// When the view is tapped (based on the gesture recognizer), reset the secondToFadeOut property, fade in (and enable) the button.
//secondToFadeOut = 5
//if isTimerRunning == false {
// runTimer()
func fadeOutButton() {
// Fade out your button! I also disabled it here. But you can do whatever your little heart desires.
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
self.startStopButton.alpha = 0.25
self.startStopButton.isEnabled = false
func fadeInButton() {
// Fade the button back in, and set it back to active (so it's tappable)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5) {
self.startStopButton.alpha = 1
self.startStopButton.isEnabled = true
@IBAction func startStopButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
print("Start Stop Button Pressed")