Ansible Tower 预定作业使用模板额外变量?
Ansible Tower scheduled jobs use template extra vars?
Tower 中的计划作业是否使用作业所基于的原始模板中设置的额外变量?
根据 Ansible Job Templates 文档,答案似乎是是的,除非它们被覆盖:
Prompt for Extra Variables: If this is checked, the user is prompted for Extra Variables at job execution. The set of extra variables defaults to any Extra Variables already configured for the job template.
... passing extra variables to a job template (as you would do with a survey) can override other variables being passed from the inventory and project.
并且来自 Variables 文档:
Inside a template you automatically have access to all of the variables that are in scope for a host.
因此,如果您不提示输入用户指定的变量,或以其他方式覆盖已设置的额外变量,Ansible 将使用当前设置的任何额外变量。
Tower 确实使用了基础模板中设置的额外变量。如果在预定作业中设置了任何额外变量,它们将优先。这种行为是您所期望的,现在我已经使用过它了。
Tower 中的计划作业是否使用作业所基于的原始模板中设置的额外变量?
根据 Ansible Job Templates 文档,答案似乎是是的,除非它们被覆盖:
Prompt for Extra Variables: If this is checked, the user is prompted for Extra Variables at job execution. The set of extra variables defaults to any Extra Variables already configured for the job template.
... passing extra variables to a job template (as you would do with a survey) can override other variables being passed from the inventory and project.
并且来自 Variables 文档:
Inside a template you automatically have access to all of the variables that are in scope for a host.
因此,如果您不提示输入用户指定的变量,或以其他方式覆盖已设置的额外变量,Ansible 将使用当前设置的任何额外变量。
Tower 确实使用了基础模板中设置的额外变量。如果在预定作业中设置了任何额外变量,它们将优先。这种行为是您所期望的,现在我已经使用过它了。