正在解析 HTML 以使用 VBA 在 Word 文档中重新创建表格

Parsing HTML to recreate tables in a Word Document using VBA

有没有办法为 table 获取 html 代码并使用 VBA 在 word 文档中打印出相同的 table (VBA应该能够解析 html 代码块以获得 table)?

可以获取 table 的内容并将它们复制到在 Word 中创建的新 table 中,但是是否可以使用 [= 重新创建 table 21=] 代码和 vba?


编辑: 感谢 R3uK:这是 VBA 脚本的第一部分,它从文件中读取一行 html 代码,并使用 R3uK 的代码将其打印到 excel 工作表:

Private Sub button1_Click()

    Dim the_string As String
    the_string = Trim(ImportTextFile("path\to\file.txt"))
    ' still working on removing new line characters
    Call PrintHTML_Table(the_string)

End Sub

Public Function ImportTextFile(strFile As String) As String

    ' http://mrspreadsheets.com/1/post/2013/09/vba-code-snippet-22-read-entire-text-file-into-string-variable.html
    Open strFile For Input As #1
    ImportTextFile = Input$(LOF(1), 1)
    Close #1

End Function

' Insert R3uK's portion of the code here

这可能是一个很好的起点,您只需要在之后检查内容,看看是否有任何问题,然后将其复制到 word。

    Sub PrintHTML_Table(ByVal StrTable as String)
    Dim TA()

    Dim Table_String as String
    Table_String = " " & StrTable & " "

    TA = SplitTo2DArray(Table_String, "</tr>", "</td>")

    For i = LBound(TA, 1) To UBound(TA, 1)
        For j = LBound(TA, 2) To UBound(TA, 2)
            ActiveSheet.Cells(i + 1, j + 1) = Trim(Replace(Replace(TA(i, j), "<td>", ""), "<tr>", ""))
        Next j
    Next i

    End Sub

    Public Function SplitTo2DArray(ByRef StringToSplit As String, ByRef RowSep As String, ByRef ColSep As String) As String()

        Dim Rows                    As Variant
        Dim rowNb                   As Long
        Dim Columns()               As Variant
        Dim i                       As Long
        Dim maxlineNb               As Long
        Dim lineNb                  As Long
        Dim asCells()               As String
        Dim j                       As Long

        ' Split up the table value by rows, get the number of rows, and dim a new array of Variants.
        Rows = Split(StringToSplit, RowSep)
        rowNb = UBound(Rows)
        ReDim Columns(0 To rowNb)

        ' Iterate through each row, and split it into columns. Find the maximum number of columns.
        maxlineNb = 0
        For i = 0 To rowNb
            Columns(i) = Split(Rows(i), ColSep)
            lineNb = UBound(Columns(i))
            If lineNb > maxlineNb Then
                maxlineNb = lineNb
            End If
        Next i

        ' Create a 2D string array to contain the data in <Columns>.
        ReDim asCells(0 To maxlineNb, 0 To rowNb)

        ' Copy all the data from Columns() to asCells().
        For i = 0 To rowNb
            For j = 0 To UBound(Columns(i))
                asCells(j, i) = Columns(i)(j)
            Next j
        Next i

        SplitTo2DArray = asCells()

    End Function