如何在 Google Cloud 中调用或模拟 Google Mobile Vision API?

How can I call or emulate Google Mobile Vision API in Google Cloud?

背景:在 Does google cloud vision OCR support bar code reading? 的基础上,我 使用 Google 移动视觉(条码 API)对 PDF417 条码进行离线分析但可从 Google Cloud 访问。

有没有什么方法可以调用、模拟或以其他方式访问 Google Mobile Vision API off-Android/off-iOS?

我最终滚动 Google Cloud Function to detect QR codes for images loaded into Google Cloud Storage, which handled the use case where, like you, I would have preferred to use Cloud Vision. You could do something similar with a HTTP Cloud Function that sends over an image, and uses a JS library 来阅读条形码。