Jenkins 作业控制台输出转到/由 Splunk 监控 - 如何使用 CURL / Rest API 获取最后 N 分钟/小时/天等的数据

Jenkins jobs console output going to / monitored by Splunk - How to fetch that data using CURL / Rest API for last N minutes / hours / days etc

Splunk 版本

Splunk 构建 bf0ff7c2ab8b

Jenkins 版本 1.642.3 或 2.32.3

在每个 Jenkins master 上,都有一个 splunk 进程 运行ning。

$ ps -eAf|grep splunk
splunk    58877      1 20 Feb16 ?        42-23:27:37 splunkd -p 8089 restart
splunk    58878  58877  0 Feb16 ?        00:00:00 [splunkd pid=58877] splunkd -p 8089 restart [process-runner]
asangal   91197  91175  0 12:38 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto splunk

Splunk 进程监控/扫描 log 文件以查找我们实例中的任何 Jenkins 作业,即在 $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/<JOB_NAME>/builds/<BUILD_NUMBER>/log 文件下。

$ pwd
$ cat inputs.conf
host = jenkins-master-project-prod-1-609 

index = some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk
disabled = False
recursive = True

index = some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk
disabled = False
recursive = True
crcSalt = <SOURCE>

... more config code here ...

在 Splunk GUI 中,当我 运行 一个简单的查询来查找 Splunk 捕获的相同 index 并且来自任何 source (文件)的任何内容时,我确实看到有效的输出。 注意: 实际行输出是 t运行 满足的。正如您在条形图上看到的那样,数据在那里并且填充了 table。

在我的 Jenkins 工作中,我有时会收到一些警告、信息、错误(为此我已经在 J​​enkins 级别使用 Log Parser Plugin),我正在尝试编写一个脚本来获取此日志Splunk 的 Jenkins 作业在过去 15、30 分钟或过去 1-7 小时或 1-30 天内的输出,并找出在给定时间段内发现了多少警告、错误等(基于某些关键字、正则表达式)。注意:有很多这样的 Jenkins masters,其中 Splunk 是 运行nings,我的目标是与 Splunk 对话并获取我需要的数据(而不是与 500 个 Jenkins masters 对话)。

我尝试了以下 CURL 命令,这些命令 returns 给我一个搜索 ID,但它没有做任何事情。

在下面的 CURL 命令中,我传递了一个更精确的查询来获取数据。我说的是在过去 30 分钟内获取 Splunk 拥有的所有信息(可以根据 GUI 添加字段),其中 indexsome-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk 并且日志的 source 是:/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log(第一个 * 用于工作名称,第二个 * 用于内部版本号)然后我说在 splunk 中搜索日志,其中日志包含 lines/keywords/regex 之一(如下面使用 OR 条件列出)并以 JSON 格式显示输出。

➜  ~ p=$(cat ~/AKS/rOnly/od.p.txt)
➜  ~ curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on")' -d output_mode=json
{"messages":[{"type":"ERROR","text":"Method Not Allowed"}]}%                                                                                  ➜  ~


当我在 URL 部分使用 /jobs 给出以下查询时,我得到了一个有效的搜索 ID。

➜  ~ curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on")' -d output_mode=json

使用此搜索 ID,我试图访问主要日志,但它不起作用。我正在使用 jq 过滤 JSON 输出以显示在漂亮的布局中。

 ➜  ~ curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on")' -d output_mode=json|jq .
  "links": {},
  "origin": "",
  "updated": "2017-09-15T09:44:33-07:00",
  "generator": {
    "build": "bf0ff7c2ab8b",
    "version": ""
  "entry": [
      "name": "search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log (\"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\") | regex source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\" | table host, source, _raw",
      "id": "",
      "updated": "2017-09-15T09:44:33.942-07:00",
      "links": {
        "alternate": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A",
        "search.log": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/search.log",
        "events": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/events",
        "results": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/results",
        "results_preview": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/results_preview",
        "timeline": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/timeline",
        "summary": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/summary",
        "control": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/control"
      "published": "2017-09-15T09:43:59.000-07:00",
      "author": "my_splunk_user",
      "content": {
        "bundleVersion": "17557160226808436058",
        "canSummarize": false,
        "cursorTime": "1969-12-31T16:00:00.000-08:00",
        "defaultSaveTTL": "2592000",
        "defaultTTL": "600",
        "delegate": "",
        "diskUsage": 561152,
        "dispatchState": "DONE",
        "doneProgress": 1,
        "dropCount": 0,
        "earliestTime": "2017-09-15T09:13:58.000-07:00",
        "eventAvailableCount": 0,
        "eventCount": 30,
        "eventFieldCount": 0,
        "eventIsStreaming": true,
        "eventIsTruncated": true,
        "eventSearch": "search (earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log (\"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\")) | regex source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\" ",
        "eventSorting": "none",
        "isBatchModeSearch": true,
        "isDone": true,
        "isEventsPreviewEnabled": false,
        "isFailed": false,
        "isFinalized": false,
        "isPaused": false,
        "isPreviewEnabled": false,
        "isRealTimeSearch": false,
        "isRemoteTimeline": false,
        "isSaved": false,
        "isSavedSearch": false,
        "isTimeCursored": true,
        "isZombie": false,
        "keywords": "\"*: binary operator expected*\" \"*: no such file or directory*\" \"*: too many arguments*\" \"*npm warn retry*\" \"*rsync: failed to set times on*\" \"*svn: e200033: *\" \"*warning: *\" earliest::-30m index::some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source::/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log",
        "label": "",
        "latestTime": "2017-09-15T09:43:59.561-07:00",
        "normalizedSearch": "litsearch ( index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ( \"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\" ) _time>=1505492038.000 ) | regex source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\" | fields keepcolorder=t \"_raw\" \"host\" \"source\"",
        "numPreviews": 0,
        "optimizedSearch": "| search (earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log (\"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\")) | regex source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\" | table host, source, _raw",
        "pid": "2174",
        "priority": 5,
        "remoteSearch": "litsearch ( index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ( \"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\" ) _time>=1505492038.000 ) | regex  source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\"  | fields  keepcolorder=t \"_raw\" \"host\" \"source\"",
        "reportSearch": "table  host, source, _raw",
        "resultCount": 30,
        "resultIsStreaming": false,
        "resultPreviewCount": 30,
        "runDuration": 0.579,
        "sampleRatio": "1",
        "sampleSeed": "0",
        "scanCount": 301,
        "searchCanBeEventType": false,
        "searchEarliestTime": 1505492038,
        "searchLatestTime": 1505493839.21872,
        "searchTotalBucketsCount": 37,
        "searchTotalEliminatedBucketsCount": 0,
        "sid": "1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A",
        "statusBuckets": 0,
        "ttl": 600,
        "performance": {
          "command.fields": {
            "duration_secs": 0.035,
            "invocations": 48,
            "input_count": 30,
            "output_count": 30
          "command.regex": {
            "duration_secs": 0.048,
            "invocations": 48,
            "input_count": 30,
            "output_count": 30
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 1.05,
            "invocations": 48,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 30
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.013,
            "invocations": 16,
            "input_count": 301,
            "output_count": 301
          "dispatch.optimize.reparse": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1
          "dispatch.optimize.toJson": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1
          "dispatch.optimize.toSpl": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1
          "dispatch.parserThread": {
            "duration_secs": 0.048,
            "invocations": 48
          "dispatch.reduce": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 1.05,
            "invocations": 48,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 332320
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.001,
            "invocations": 1,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 5422
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.058,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 16948
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.066,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 14415
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.059,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15858
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.065,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 11867
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.061,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 20695
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.06,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15193
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.063,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15932
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.064,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 14415
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.061,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15418
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.058,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 11866
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.075,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15661
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.071,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15845
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.066,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 14406
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.072,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15524
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.067,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 16009
          "": {
            "duration_secs": 0.068,
            "invocations": 2,
            "input_count": 0,
            "output_count": 15516
          "dispatch.writeStatus": {
            "duration_secs": 0.012,
            "invocations": 7
          "startup.configuration": {
            "duration_secs": 2.045,
            "invocations": 33
          "startup.handoff": {
            "duration_secs": 14.595,
            "invocations": 33
        "messages": [
            "type": "INFO",
            "text": "Your timerange was substituted based on your search string"
            "type": "WARN",
            "text": "Unable to distribute to peer named at using the uri-scheme=http because peer has status=\"Down\".  Please verify uri-scheme, connectivity to the search peer, that the search peer is up, and an adequate level of system resources are available. See the Troubleshooting Manual for more information."
            "type": "WARN",
            "text": "Unable to distribute to peer named at using the uri-scheme=http because peer has status=\"Down\".  Please verify uri-scheme, connectivity to the search peer, that the search peer is up, and an adequate level of system resources are available. See the Troubleshooting Manual for more information."
        "request": {
          "search": "search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log (\"WARNING: \" OR \"npm WARN retry\" OR \"svn: E200033: \" OR \": binary operator expected\" OR \": too many arguments\" OR \": No such file or directory\" OR \"rsync: failed to set times on\") | regex source=\".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log\" | table host, source, _raw"
        "runtime": {
          "auto_cancel": "0",
          "auto_pause": "0"
        "searchProviders": [
      "acl": {
        "perms": {
          "read": [
          "write": [
        "owner": "my_splunk_user",
        "modifiable": true,
        "sharing": "global",
        "app": "search",
        "can_write": true,
        "ttl": "600"
  "paging": {
    "total": 1,
    "perPage": 0,
    "offset": 0
➜  ~
➜  ~

但是,如您所见,生成的 JSON 输出没有用,因为它没有显示或包含我可以使用的任何 Jenkins 作业的输出。

如果在 CURL 命令中,对于 Splunk URL,如果我尝试以下任何 URLs 端点,它会给我一个错误。

    "search.log": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/search.log",
    "events": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/events",
    "results": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/results",
    "results_preview": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/results_preview",
    "timeline": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/timeline",
    "summary": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/summary",
    "control": "/services/search/jobs/1505493838.3723_ACEB82F4-AA21-4AE2-95A3-566F6BCAA05A/control"

例如: 如果我尝试 URL.../<SEARCH_ID>/eventsURL/.../<SEARCH_ID>/results 等,我会收到以下错误。

curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index-in-splunk source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on")' -d output_mode=json|jq .

  "messages": [
      "type": "FATAL",
      "text": "Method Not Allowed"

我正在尝试查找主机名、来源(Jenkins 作业日志的路径)、实际作业的控制台输出(我可以读取和解析以生成有意义的信息)关于最近 N 个时间段,有多少,出现错误、警告、奇怪的线条,并且取决于某些阈值,如果数字超过这些阈值,那么我需要发送电子邮件通知。

我可以编写所有这些代码,但我没有得到这里的第一个难题,即让 Splunk 吐出 Jenkins 作业的控制台输出,其中 splunk 在文件系统上监视。

最终目标是将有意义的数据以 JSON 或 CSV 格式转储到文本文件中,并将该数据转换为一些有意义的 bar/pie 图表等。

例如:如果 data.csv 包含:



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

.arc text {
  font: 10px sans-serif;
  text-anchor: middle;

.arc path {
  stroke: #fff;

<svg width="960" height="500"></svg>
<script src=""></script>

var svg ="svg"),
    width = +svg.attr("width"),
    height = +svg.attr("height"),
    radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2,
    g = svg.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")");

var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(["#98abc5", "#8a89a6", "#7b6888", "#6b486b", "#a05d56", "#d0743c", "#ff8c00"]);

var pie = d3.pie()
    .value(function(d) { return d.population; });

var path = d3.arc()
    .outerRadius(radius - 10)

var label = d3.arc()
    .outerRadius(radius - 40)
    .innerRadius(radius - 40);

d3.csv("data.csv", function(d) {
  d.population = +d.population;
  return d;
}, function(error, data) {
  if (error) throw error;

  var arc = g.selectAll(".arc")
      .attr("class", "arc");

      .attr("d", path)
      .attr("fill", function(d) { return color(; });

      .attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + label.centroid(d) + ")"; })
      .attr("dy", "0.35em")
      .text(function(d) { return; });




我只需要使用 services/search/jobs/export 终点。

让我们找出什么是我们的 Jenkins host(其中包含 Jenkins 作业),作业的名称是什么(这可以从日志文件的 source 路径中解析/搜索)以及 Jenkins 作业的实际控制台输出是什么 (_raw)。此外,让我们将搜索限制在最近 30 分钟内(即 earliest=-30m)。


1) 通过在命令行传递用户名和密码。

2) 通过生成一个 SESSION TOKEN,我们可以在 header 后的任何未来 CURL 命令中使用它。

3) 通过生成 --cookie "${COOKIE}" ID 并使用它。这是所有方法中的首选方法,因为它将 cookie 值复制到 Splunk 使用的任何后端服务器。要使用的 Cookie 名称:splunkd_8081

后两种解决方案取决于第一种方法,即使用用户凭据创建 SESSION 或 COOKIE ID。


1) 这里我们将使用我们的 splunk 服务器

2) 在命令行中传递用户名和密码

3) 提供用于查找/获取 Splunk 数据的 Splunk 选项(对于包含特定行的 Jenkins 日志),并进行一些额外的正则表达式匹配(这样它将 return 与源的 Jenkins build# 完全一致路径而不是为相同的控制台输出显示 source 的 3 行。Jenkins latestBuild、latestSuccessfulBuild 等是指向编号构建的符号链接,我们不想在我们的列表中列出这些符号链接的 source 条目输出,所以我使用正则表达式模式来查找 source 路径,其中它在源路径中的 log 文件之前包含一个 NUMBERED build#。

4) 然后,我使用 | 仅过滤掉 3 个字段:hostsource_raw(Splunk 会 return). host 包含,哪个 Jenkins 服务器有 Jenkins 作业。 source 的值中包含 Jenkins 作业名称、build# 等信息。 _raw 变量包含 Jenkins 作业的控制台输出(靠近我们试图在 Jenkins 作业的控制台输出中搜索的字符串/行的几行)。

注意: 所有这 3 个字段都在字典变量中可用 result 所以我只是输出它。

5) 然后,我以 json 格式提供输出(您也可以使用 csv)。最后我使用 jq 来过滤信息。

注意: 如果您使用 jq -r ".result._raw"(即字典变量 result 中的 _raw 字段,那么它将逐行显示控制台输出的输出(而不是给你一个嵌入了 \n 的 blob)。你也可以使用 sed 's/\n/\n/g' 但是 jq -r ".result._raw" 很简单够了)。

命令 运行:

$ p="$(cat ~/my_secret_password.txt)"
$ # The above command will set my password in variable 'p'
$ curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on") | regex source=".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log" | table host, source, _raw' -d output_mode=json | jq ".result"
$ # The following will give you LINE by LINE output for the console output 
$ curl --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 -ks -umy_splunk_user:$p --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on") | regex source=".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log" | table host, source, _raw' -d output_mode=json | jq -r ".result._raw"

注意: 用户 ID 和密码作为 -umy_splunk_user:$p 传递(不需要 space after/between -u 和实际的 splunk 用户名。


解决方案编号。 2 是通过使用 SESSION KEY/ID。您首先必须使用 services/auth/login 终点。


注意: 要生成 SESSION 密钥,您需要先提供您的凭据,但在稍后的 CURL / API 调用/命令中,您可以在 header 中传递 SESSION 键。

1) 生成 session 密钥/id。

$ p=$(cat ~/my_secret_password.txt)
$ curl -k --data-urlencode username=my_splunk_userid --data-urlencode password=$p 

2) 以后在后续搜索中使用 session 键/ID。

在后续请求中,将 header 授权值设置为 session 密钥 () 并且 现在您不需要使用 传递您的凭据 -uYourUserID:YourPassword.

$ curl -k -H "Authorization: Splunk 192fd3e46a31246da7ea7f109e7f95fd" --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 --data search='search earliest=-30m index=some-jenkins-prod-index  source=/home/jenkins/jobs/*/builds/*/log ("WARNING: " OR "npm WARN retry" OR "svn: E200033: " OR ": binary operator expected" OR ": too many arguments" OR ": No such file or directory" OR "rsync: failed to set times on") | regex source=".*/[0-9][0-9]*/log" | table host, source, _raw' -d output_mode=json | jq ".result"


1) 对于控制台输出的逐行输出。使用:jq -r ".result._raw"

2) 对于找到的搜索计数,您可以使用 | stats count

现在,我可以得到我需要的 CSV 或 JSON 格式的数据,并使用图形功能通过有意义的图表显示数据,或者在阈值高于或低于给定阈值时发送电子邮件通知/ 期望值(根据我的自动化脚本)。

有关详细信息,请参阅 Splunk REST API 搜索端点文档:

 second: s, sec, secs, second, seconds
 minute: m, min, minute, minutes
 hour: h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
 day: d, day, days
 week: w, week, weeks
 month: mon, month, months
 quarter: q, qtr, qtrs, quarter, quarters
 year: y, yr, yrs, year, years

如果您想搜索过去 30 天和之前 30 天的数据,您需要 earliest=-60d latest=-30d


1) 创建COOKIE ID,运行跟随命令。

curl -sSv --data-urlencode username=your_splunk_userid --data-urlencode password=your_splunk_secret_password -o /dev/null -d cookie=1 2>&1 


< Set-Cookie: splunkd_8081=5omeJunk_ValueHere^kjadaf33999dasdx0ihe28gcEYvbP1yhTjcTjgQCRaOUhco6wwLf5YLsay_2JgZ^J^SEYF9f2nSYkyS0qbu_RE; Path=/; HttpOnly; Max-Age=28800; Expires=Wed, 20 Sep 2017 00:23:39 GMT

现在获取值部分 < Set-Cookie: <VALUE_upto_the_semi_colon> 并将其存储在一个变量中。即

export COOKIE="splunkd_8081=5omeJunk_ValueHere^kjadaf33999dasdx0ihe28gcEYvbP1yhTjcTjgQCRaOUhco6wwLf5YLsay_2JgZ^J^SEYF9f2nSYkyS0qbu_RE"

2) 现在,在您的 CURL 命令中使用 cookie 进行 运行ning 与我们上面所做的类似查询。您现在不需要 传递凭据-uYourUserID:Password

$ curl -k --cookie "${COOKIE}" --connect-time 10 --max-time 900 ... rest of the command here similar to examples shown above ... ...


  1. Jenkins 的 Splunk 插件:

  2. Splunk 的 Jenkins Add-on/App: