iPhone X Game Center 徽章一流

iPhone X Game Center badge is on top of notch

当我在 iPhone X 模拟器上启动我的应用程序时,Game Center 徽章超出了范围。我有 Storyboard 使用安全区域布局指南,我的应用程序的其余部分显示正确。

遗憾的是,Apple 未提供 public API 来操纵 Game Center 横幅,但横幅通知目前被剪辑在 similar way on the iPhone X so it's likely that Apple will fix any notch-overlap issues in a coming build. It's also worth noting that there's no mention of this issue anywhere in the Xcode 9 Release Notes or the iOS 11 GM Seed Release Notes 中。他们可能知道,但提交雷达也无妨!