
Generate Shapeless Record from Generics


case class KeyValue(key: String, value: Int)
val kv = KeyValue("key", 1)

def processCaseClass(p: KeyValue) = {
     val gen = LabelledGeneric[KeyValue] 

但是我不想使用案例的名称 class,而是想使用泛型,但是,这样重写它是行不通的:

def processCaseClass[KV <: Product, L <: HList](p: KV) = {
     val gen = LabelledGeneric.Aux[KV, L] 

如果我将 gen 更改为隐式参数,它就可以正常工作。


T 中使一个方法泛化会使它对 T 是什么一无所知。如果 processCaseClass 不知道 KV 是什么 ,它就没有机会分析其结构足以生成 LabelledGeneric[KV],从而产生隐式解析错误。通过将其设为隐式参数,您将生成 LabelledGeneric 的责任转移给了调用者,它实际上有机会得到满足,因为调用者将知道 PK 是什么。

你对 processCaseClass 的第一个定义做的一件奇怪的事情是这样的,这应该足以表明它不可能是正确的:

def processCaseClass[KV <: Product, L <: HList](p: KV): Any // Signature of pCC
// Function body doesn't affect sig., aside from return type, so what you write is what you get
// A sig. is the only interface between a method and the world. This method doesn't
// say there's a relationship between KV and L in its signature, so there doesn't
// need to be one.

// Instantiate KV = (Int, Int), L = String :: String :: HNil, p = (5, 5)
val x = processCaseClass[(Int, Int), String :: String :: HNil]((5, 5))
// Perfectly valid to the compiler... but what is this supposed to do?