如何在 Eclipse 中配置 Cucumber 特性文件?

How to configure Cucumber feature file in Eclipse?


Feature: Log in to the application

  Scenario: Login to application as valid user
    When User enter the valid credentials
    And Click on Login
    Then Home Page should be displayed

  Scenario: Login to application as Invalid user
    When User enter the inValid credentials
    And Click on Login
    Then Error Message Should be displayed

但问题是它显示为普通文件,根本没有小黄瓜颜色,我也看不到 find step 选项,当我右击一个步骤时。


When everything is installed right, and if feature file does not display the gherkin colors, We need to first create a sample cucumber.feature file in the same path.

Once this is created if it is auto-populated with sample gherkin code, then other feature file will also work or we can simply paste content of our feature file into cucumber.feature and then rename it.


-右击 。功能文件 -> 打开方式 -> Cucumber 编辑器

我也在寻找解决方案。在网上找不到任何东西。所以我一直在寻找 eclipse 编辑器并找到了这个。

  1. Window -> 首选项
  2. 在左侧首选项 window 单击常规 -> 编辑器 -> 文件关联
  3. 在右侧单击添加... 在文本框中输入 *.feature 然后单击确定
  4. Select列表中新增的*.feature
  5. 在关联的编辑器下单击添加...,然后选择带有绿色黄瓜图标的编辑器。点击确定
  6. 申请并关闭