"Attemped to add a SKNode which already has a parent" 在 Swift

"Attemped to add a SKNode which already has a parent" in Swift

我有这个函数,我用它每秒在随机位置生成 Flower 对象:

func spawnFlower() {
    //Create flower with random position
    let tempFlower = Flower()
    let height = UInt32(self.size.height / 2)
    let width = UInt32(self.size.width / 2)
    let randomPosition = CGPoint(x: Int(arc4random_uniform(width)), y: Int(arc4random_uniform(height)))
    tempFlower.position = randomPosition

    var tooClose = false

    // enumerate flowerArray
    for flower in flowerArray {

        // get the difference in position between the current node
        // and each node in the array
        let xPos = abs(flower.position.x - tempFlower.position.x)
        let yPos = abs(flower.position.y - tempFlower.position.y)

        // check if the spawn position is less than 10 for the x or y in relation
        // to the current node in the array
        if (xPos < 10) || (yPos < 10) {
            tooClose = true

        if tooClose == false {
            //Spawn node

每次调用该函数时,我都会为 flower 创建一个新实例,但由于某种原因,当我如下调用该函数时,它会给我错误消息:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Attemped to add a SKNode which already has a parent:

每秒都会调用 spawnFlower() 函数。它第一次被调用时有效,第二次它崩溃了。我做错了什么?

addChild() 调用需要移出 for 循环,以便 tempFlower 仅添加到其父级一次。

func spawnFlower() {
    //Create flower with random position
    let tempFlower = Flower()
    let height = UInt32(self.size.height / 2)
    let width = UInt32(self.size.width / 2)
    let randomPosition = CGPoint(x: Int(arc4random_uniform(width)), y: Int(arc4random_uniform(height)))
    tempFlower.position = randomPosition

    var tooClose = false

    // enumerate flowerArray
    for flower in flowerArray {

        // get the difference in position between the current node
        // and each node in the array
        let xPos = abs(flower.position.x - tempFlower.position.x)
        let yPos = abs(flower.position.y - tempFlower.position.y)

        // check if the spawn position is less than 10 for the x or y in relation
        // to the current node in the array
        if (xPos < 10) || (yPos < 10) {
            tooClose = true

    if tooClose == false {
        // Spawn node