
How do i get a dropdownlist to when a value is selected to display values for a employee in a chart in mvc using mvc chart helpers?


public ActionResult CharterColumn()
    var results = (from c in db.Clockcards select c);
    // the employeeid is a foreign key in the clockcards table 
    // i want to get the name from the employee table 
    // and display only that employees hours worked for the months 
    var groupedByMonth = results
        .OrderByDescending(x => x.CaptureDate)
        .GroupBy(x => new { x.CaptureDate.Year, x.CaptureDate.Month }).ToList();

    List<string> monthNames = groupedByMonth
        .Select(a => a.FirstOrDefault().CaptureDate.ToString("MMMM"))

    List<double> hoursPerMonth = groupedByMonth
        .Select(a => a.Sum(p => p.Hours))

    ArrayList xValue = new ArrayList(monthNames);
    ArrayList yValue = new ArrayList(hoursPerMonth);

    new Chart(width: 800, height: 400, theme: ChartTheme.Yellow)
        .AddSeries("Default", chartType: "Column", xValue: xValue, yValues: yValue)
    return null;



    <img src= "@Url.Action("CharterColumn")" alt="Chart"/>

您可以在下拉列表中监听 change 事件,读取所选选项值(假设它是员工 ID)并将其传递给 return 图表数据的操作方法对于该员工记录并更新图像标签的 src 属性值。

<select id="employeeList">
    <option value="0">None</option>
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <img id="chart" data-url="@Url.Action("CharterColumn")" alt="Chart" />

你可以看到我为图像标签设置了一个 html5 数据属性,我使用 Url.Action 方法将它的值设置为到操作方法的相对路径。我们将阅读这个javascript.


我为 SELECT 元素硬编码了 HTML。您可以根据需要使用 Html.DropDownListHtml.DropDownListFor 辅助方法使用 table 中的员工数据替换它。

现在,更新您的操作方法以接受员工 ID 值作为参数

public ActionResult CharterColumn(int employeeId)
    //use employeeId to filter the results
    var results = db.Clockcards.Where(s=>s.EmployeeId==employeeId).ToList();
    //your existing code to return the chart

现在 javascript 来处理更改事件。

$(document).ready(function () {

    loadChart($("#employeeList").val()); // initial load of the chart with selected option

    $("#employeeList").change(function () {
        var employeeId = $(this).val();

    function loadChart(employeeId) {
        var imgSrc = $("#chart").data("url") + "?employeeId=" + employeeId;
        $("#chart").attr("src", imgSrc);
