C / C ++中有符号整数除法的快速地板

Fast floor of a signed integer division in C / C++


int floor_div(int a, int b) {
    int d = a / b;
    if (a < 0 != b < 0) {  /* negative output (check inputs since 'd' isn't floored) */
        if (d * a != b) {  /* avoid modulo, use multiply instead */
            d -= 1;        /* floor */
    return d;


在 C 中有更有效的方法吗?

请注意,这几乎与这个问题相反:Fast ceiling of an integer division in C / C++


对于有大量寄存器的 RISC 机器,这个更好,因为根本没有分支,它有利于管道和缓存。

对于 x86 其实没关系。

int floor_div3(int a, int b) {
    int d = a / b;

    return d * b == a ? d : d - ((a < 0) ^ (b < 0));

div() 标准 C 中的函数

我认为您应该看看 <stdlib.h> 中的 div() 函数。 (它们是标准的 C 函数,并且在标准的所有版本中都有定义,尽管 link 符合 POSIX 规范。)

C11 标准 § 规定:

The div … functions compute numer / denom and numer % denom in a single operation.

请注意,C11 在 §6.5.5 中指定了整数除法(C99 类似):

When integers are divided, the result of the / operator is the algebraic quotient with any fractional part discarded.105)

105) This is often called "truncation toward zero".

但 C90 (§6.3.5) 更灵活但用处不大:

When integers are divided and the division is inexact. if both operands are positive the result of the / operator is the largest integer less than the algebraic quotient and the result of the % operator is positive. If either operand is negative, whether the result of the / operator is the largest integer less than or equal to the algebraic quotient or the smallest integer greater than or equal to the algebraic quotient is implementation-defined, as is the sign of the result of the % operator.



int floor_div(int a, int b)
    assert(b != 0);
    div_t r = div(a, b);
    if (r.rem != 0 && ((a < 0) ^ (b < 0)))
    return r.quot;


下面代码中的打印格式是为示例数据量身定制的。 (在整个过程中使用 %4d%-4d 会更好,但更广泛)。此代码打印长度为 89 个字符的行加上换行符;更一般的布局将打印长度为 109 的行。两者都没有避免 SO 上的水平滚动条。

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

static int floor_div(int a, int b)
    assert(b != 0);
    div_t r = div(a, b);
    if (r.rem != 0 && ((a < 0) ^ (b < 0)))
    return r.quot;

static void test_floor_div(int n, int d)
    assert(d != 0);
    printf(   "%3d/%-2d = %-3d (%3d)", +n, +d, floor_div(+n, +d), +n / +d);
    printf(";  %3d/%-3d = %-4d (%4d)", +n, -d, floor_div(+n, -d), +n / -d);
    if (n != 0)
        printf(";  %4d/%-2d = %-4d (%4d)", -n, +d, floor_div(-n, +d), -n / +d);
        printf(";  %4d/%-3d = %-3d (%3d)", -n, -d, floor_div(-n, -d), -n / -d);

int main(void)
    int numerators[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 23, 291 };
    enum { NUM_NUMERATORS = sizeof(numerators) / sizeof(numerators[0]) };
    int denominators[] = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 17, 23 };
    enum { NUM_DENOMINATORS = sizeof(denominators) / sizeof(denominators[0]) };

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_NUMERATORS; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < NUM_DENOMINATORS; j++)
            test_floor_div(numerators[i], denominators[j]);

    return 0;


  0/1  = 0   (  0);    0/-1  = 0    (   0)
  0/2  = 0   (  0);    0/-2  = 0    (   0)
  0/3  = 0   (  0);    0/-3  = 0    (   0)
  0/6  = 0   (  0);    0/-6  = 0    (   0)
  0/17 = 0   (  0);    0/-17 = 0    (   0)
  0/23 = 0   (  0);    0/-23 = 0    (   0)

  1/1  = 1   (  1);    1/-1  = -1   (  -1);    -1/1  = -1   (  -1);    -1/-1  = 1   (  1)
  1/2  = 0   (  0);    1/-2  = -1   (   0);    -1/2  = -1   (   0);    -1/-2  = 0   (  0)
  1/3  = 0   (  0);    1/-3  = -1   (   0);    -1/3  = -1   (   0);    -1/-3  = 0   (  0)
  1/6  = 0   (  0);    1/-6  = -1   (   0);    -1/6  = -1   (   0);    -1/-6  = 0   (  0)
  1/17 = 0   (  0);    1/-17 = -1   (   0);    -1/17 = -1   (   0);    -1/-17 = 0   (  0)
  1/23 = 0   (  0);    1/-23 = -1   (   0);    -1/23 = -1   (   0);    -1/-23 = 0   (  0)

  2/1  = 2   (  2);    2/-1  = -2   (  -2);    -2/1  = -2   (  -2);    -2/-1  = 2   (  2)
  2/2  = 1   (  1);    2/-2  = -1   (  -1);    -2/2  = -1   (  -1);    -2/-2  = 1   (  1)
  2/3  = 0   (  0);    2/-3  = -1   (   0);    -2/3  = -1   (   0);    -2/-3  = 0   (  0)
  2/6  = 0   (  0);    2/-6  = -1   (   0);    -2/6  = -1   (   0);    -2/-6  = 0   (  0)
  2/17 = 0   (  0);    2/-17 = -1   (   0);    -2/17 = -1   (   0);    -2/-17 = 0   (  0)
  2/23 = 0   (  0);    2/-23 = -1   (   0);    -2/23 = -1   (   0);    -2/-23 = 0   (  0)

  4/1  = 4   (  4);    4/-1  = -4   (  -4);    -4/1  = -4   (  -4);    -4/-1  = 4   (  4)
  4/2  = 2   (  2);    4/-2  = -2   (  -2);    -4/2  = -2   (  -2);    -4/-2  = 2   (  2)
  4/3  = 1   (  1);    4/-3  = -2   (  -1);    -4/3  = -2   (  -1);    -4/-3  = 1   (  1)
  4/6  = 0   (  0);    4/-6  = -1   (   0);    -4/6  = -1   (   0);    -4/-6  = 0   (  0)
  4/17 = 0   (  0);    4/-17 = -1   (   0);    -4/17 = -1   (   0);    -4/-17 = 0   (  0)
  4/23 = 0   (  0);    4/-23 = -1   (   0);    -4/23 = -1   (   0);    -4/-23 = 0   (  0)

  9/1  = 9   (  9);    9/-1  = -9   (  -9);    -9/1  = -9   (  -9);    -9/-1  = 9   (  9)
  9/2  = 4   (  4);    9/-2  = -5   (  -4);    -9/2  = -5   (  -4);    -9/-2  = 4   (  4)
  9/3  = 3   (  3);    9/-3  = -3   (  -3);    -9/3  = -3   (  -3);    -9/-3  = 3   (  3)
  9/6  = 1   (  1);    9/-6  = -2   (  -1);    -9/6  = -2   (  -1);    -9/-6  = 1   (  1)
  9/17 = 0   (  0);    9/-17 = -1   (   0);    -9/17 = -1   (   0);    -9/-17 = 0   (  0)
  9/23 = 0   (  0);    9/-23 = -1   (   0);    -9/23 = -1   (   0);    -9/-23 = 0   (  0)

 23/1  = 23  ( 23);   23/-1  = -23  ( -23);   -23/1  = -23  ( -23);   -23/-1  = 23  ( 23)
 23/2  = 11  ( 11);   23/-2  = -12  ( -11);   -23/2  = -12  ( -11);   -23/-2  = 11  ( 11)
 23/3  = 7   (  7);   23/-3  = -8   (  -7);   -23/3  = -8   (  -7);   -23/-3  = 7   (  7)
 23/6  = 3   (  3);   23/-6  = -4   (  -3);   -23/6  = -4   (  -3);   -23/-6  = 3   (  3)
 23/17 = 1   (  1);   23/-17 = -2   (  -1);   -23/17 = -2   (  -1);   -23/-17 = 1   (  1)
 23/23 = 1   (  1);   23/-23 = -1   (  -1);   -23/23 = -1   (  -1);   -23/-23 = 1   (  1)

291/1  = 291 (291);  291/-1  = -291 (-291);  -291/1  = -291 (-291);  -291/-1  = 291 (291)
291/2  = 145 (145);  291/-2  = -146 (-145);  -291/2  = -146 (-145);  -291/-2  = 145 (145)
291/3  = 97  ( 97);  291/-3  = -97  ( -97);  -291/3  = -97  ( -97);  -291/-3  = 97  ( 97)
291/6  = 48  ( 48);  291/-6  = -49  ( -48);  -291/6  = -49  ( -48);  -291/-6  = 48  ( 48)
291/17 = 17  ( 17);  291/-17 = -18  ( -17);  -291/17 = -18  ( -17);  -291/-17 = 17  ( 17)
291/23 = 12  ( 12);  291/-23 = -13  ( -12);  -291/23 = -13  ( -12);  -291/-23 = 12  ( 12)



int floor_div(int a, int b) {
    int d = a / b;
    int r = a % b;  /* optimizes into single division. */
    return r ? (d - ((a < 0) ^ (b < 0))) : d;

"floor division" 的余数要么为 0,要么与除数的符号相同。

(the proof)  
a: dividend  b: divisor
q: quotient  r: remainder

q = floor(a/b)
a = q * b + r  
r = a - q * b = (a/b - q) * b  
                    ^ this factor in [0, 1)

幸运的是,C/C++中/%的结果在C99/C++11之后标准化为"truncated towards zero"。 (在此之前,C 中的库函数 div 和 C++ 中的 std::div 起着相同的作用)。

我们来比较一下"floor division"和"truncate division",关注余数的范围:

       "floor"     "truncate"
b>0    [0, b-1]    [-b+1, b-1]
b<0    [b+1, 0]    [b+1, -b-1]


  • 设a,b = 被除数和除数;
  • 令 q, r = "floor division" 的商和余数;
  • 令 q0, r0 = "truncate division" 的商和余数。

假设b>0,不幸的是,r0在[-b+1,-1]中。然而我们可以很容易地得到r:r = r0+b,而且r保证在[1, b-1],也就是在"floor"范围内。 b<0.


既然我们可以求余数,那么我们也可以求商。规则很简单:我们将 b 加到 r0,然后我们必须从 q0 中减去 1。

作为结尾,"floor division"在C++11中的实现:

void floor_div(int& q, int& r, int a, int b)
    int q0 = a / b;
    int r0 = a % b;
    if (b > 0){
        q = r0 >= 0 ? q0 : q0 - 1;
        r = r0 >= 0 ? r0 : r0 + b;
    else {
        q = r0 <= 0 ? q0 : q0 - 1;
        r = r0 <= 0 ? r0 : r0 + b;

与著名的(a < 0) ^ (b < 0)方法相比,这种方法有一个优点:如果除数是编译时常量,只需要比较一次就可以确定结果。