C# - Class 使用 ILists 来存储没有 BigInt 的大整数。无法弄清楚如何将 CompareTo 和 Int.TryParse 用于 +、- 和 * 两个列表

C# - Class that uses ILists to store huge integers without BigInt. Can't figure out how to use CompareTo and Int.TryParse to +, -, and * two Lists

我一直在做作业,我是 C# 的初学者。我必须实现一个类似于 BigInt 可以做的程序:用两个大得离谱的值执行加法、减法或乘法(实际上没有使用 BigInt 库)。有人告诉我使用 CompareTo,这将使创建加法、减法和乘法变得容易,但我不知道如何实现 CompareTo。我什至不知道我的 class 是否正确实施,或者我是否遗漏了一些重要的东西。 这是我的代码:

public class HugeInt
    char sign;
    public IList<int> theInt = new List<int>();

    public string ToString(IList<int> theInt)
        string bigInt = theInt.ToString();
        return bigInt;

    public HugeInt CompareTo(HugeInt num1)
        int numParse;
        string number = ToString(theInt); /// I did this to convert the List into a string
        for(int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++)
            bool temp = Int32.TryParse(number, out numParse); /// Supposed to change each index of the string to a separate integer (not sure how to properly do this)

            /// These are *supposed to* perform operations on two HugeInts ///
            num1.plus(numParse, num1);
            num1.minus(numParse, num1);
            num1.times(numParse, num1);

        return num1;

我不是来这里询问这个作业的所有答案的,我已经为此工作了几个小时,我不知道我做错了什么 -- 我已经完成了很多 google 搜索。预先感谢所有建议和帮助!

要写出这样的class,需要您对如何手算有所了解。例如,将两个数字相加时,首先要将它们的最低有效数字相加。如果结果大于 9,则必须将 1 带入下一位(explanation)。然后你继续下一个数字。

现在,这是我的看法。我想将 "huge int" 保存为从最低有效数字开始的数字列表。然后我如上所述实现 Plus 方法。我可以通过查看位数来比较两个 "huge ints"。位数最多的数是最大的。在位数相同的情况下,我需要从最高位开始逐个比较每个数字。

以下只是帮助您入门的内容。它只处理正整数并且有 PlusCompareTo 方法。请注意,还有很多我没有处理的极端情况。


var num1 = new HugeInt("11112222333399998888777123123");
var num2 = new HugeInt("00194257297549");

Console.WriteLine(num1.Plus(num2).ToString()); // Writes 11112222333399999083034420672
Console.WriteLine(num1.CompareTo(num2)); // Writes -1 since num1 > num2

这里是 class:

public class HugeInt
    // The array that contains all the digits of the number. To create a new number, you do not change this array but instead you create a new instance of HugeInt.
    // The first digit is the least significant digit.
    private readonly int[] digits; 

    public HugeInt(string number)
        // Trim off the leading zeros
        number = number.TrimStart('0');
        if (number == "")
            number = "0";

        // Convert to digit array with the least significant digit first
        digits = number.ToCharArray().Select(c => int.Parse(c.ToString())).Reverse().ToArray();

    public HugeInt(IList<int> digits)
        // Trim off the leading zeros
        var d = digits.ToList();
        while (d.Count > 1 && d.Last() == 0)
            d.RemoveAt(d.Count - 1);

        // Convert to digit array with the least significant digit first
        this.digits = d.ToArray();

    public HugeInt Plus(HugeInt num)
        // Add two positive integers by adding each digit together, starting with the least significant digit. 
        var result = new List<int>();
        int carry = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.digits.Length || i < num.digits.Length; i++)
            var digit1 = i < this.digits.Length ? this.digits[i] : 0;
            var digit2 = i < num.digits.Length ? num.digits[i] : 0;
            var digitResult = digit1 + digit2 + carry;
            carry = 0;
            if (digitResult >= 10)
                digitResult -= 10;
                carry = 1;
        if (carry > 0)

        return new HugeInt(result);

    public int CompareTo(HugeInt num)
        // First compare by length of number
        if (this.digits.Length > num.digits.Length)
            return -1;
        else if (this.digits.Length < num.digits.Length)
            return 1;
            // If lengths are equal, then compare each digit - starting with the most significant digit.
            for (var i = this.digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var cmp = this.digits[i].CompareTo(num.digits[i]);
                if (cmp != 0)
                    return cmp;
            return 0;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Join("", digits.Reverse());