dojo dijit/tree 拖放:如何区分移动和复制?
dojo dijit/tree with drag-and-drop: how to distinguish move from copy?
使用 中的想法,我正在尝试使用拖放实现一棵树。
下面是我的树的简化版本。请注意,checkItemAcceptance() 可以判断一个项目是否正在移动(未按下 ctrl 键)或复制(按下 ctrl 键\
ed) ... 但我不知道如何从方面包装的 put() 方法中分辨出来。有什么建议吗?
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<body class="claro">
<script src="" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function(dom,Observable,Memory,JsonRest,ObjectStoreModel,Tree,aspect,dndSource,registry) {
var jstore = new Memory({
{id:1,name:"/", parent_id:null,item_type:"folder",rwx:5},
{id:2, name:"dir1", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:3, name:"dir2", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:4, name:"file1", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
{id:5, name:"file2", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
getChildren: function(obj) {
return this.query({});
aspect.around(jstore,"put",function(originalPut) {
return function(obj,options) {
if (options && options.parent) {
obj.parent_id =;
var store = new Observable(jstore);
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {id:1}
myModel.getLabel = function(item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
myModel.mayHaveChildren = function(item) {
return item.item_type == 'folder';
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
getIconClass: function(item,opened) {
console.log("tree.getIconClass: " + JSON.stringify(item));
return (item.item_type == 'folder') ? ( opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed" ) : 'dijitLeaf';
var mydnd = new dndSource(tree,{
checkItemAcceptance: function(target,source,position) {
var targetItem = registry.byNode(target.parentNode).item;
var sourceItems = registry.byNode(source.node).selectedItems;
if (targetItem.item_type != 'folder') {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; dest is not a folder: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(targetItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; can't create in dest: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
for (var i=0; i < sourceItems.length; ++i) {
x = sourceItems[i];
if (x.parent_id == {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; same directory: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(x.rwx & 4)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; item not readable: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (source.sourceState == 'Moved') { // as opposed to 'Copied'
var parentItem = registry.byNode(registry.byNode(source.node).selectedNodes[0].domNode.parentNode.parentNode).item;
//console.log("checkItemAcceptance: parentItem is " + JSON.stringify(parentItem));
if (!(parentItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; from folder doesn't allow delete: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
return 1;
tree.dndController = mydnd;
<div id="treePlaceholder"/>
您不必使用自己的代码来区分移动和复制;这个逻辑已经由 dojo dnd 模块和 dijit 树实现。但是,您需要一个本地支持 put() 方法并且可以在层次结构中定位项目的商店。 MemoryStore 不支持它,围绕 put() 的方面只是一种技巧,可以使其与简单示例一起使用。可用的存储是 ItemFileWriteStore。 answer 有一个带有 ItemFileWriteStore 的树示例。
我认为我的解决方案只是有点难看;它涉及覆盖 ObjectStoreModel 的 pasteItem() 方法,以将新的 属性 'isCopy' 添加到它传递给商店的 put() 方法的选项中。这是我修改后的示例,演示了这一点:
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<body class="claro">
<script src="" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function(dom,Observable,Memory,JsonRest,ObjectStoreModel,Tree,aspect,dndSource,registry,Deferred,lang,array) {
var jstore = new Memory({
{id:1,name:"/", parent_id:null,item_type:"folder",rwx:5},
{id:2, name:"dir1", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:3, name:"dir2", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:4, name:"file1", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
{id:5, name:"file2", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
getChildren: function(obj) {
return this.query({});
aspect.around(jstore,"put",function(originalPut) {
return function(obj,options) {
if (options && options.parent) {
obj.parent_id =;
var store = new Observable(jstore);
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {id:1},
// A modified copy of dojo 1.10.0's dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel.js's
pasteItem: function(/*Item*/ childItem, /*Item*/ oldParentItem, /*Item*/ newParentItem,
/*Boolean*/ bCopy, /*int?*/ insertIndex, /*Item*/ before){
// summary:
// Move or copy an item from one parent item to another.
// Used in drag & drop.
var d = new Deferred();
if(oldParentItem === newParentItem && !bCopy && !before){
// Avoid problem when items visually disappear when dropped onto their parent.
// Happens because the (no-op) store.put() call doesn't generate any notification
// that the childItem was added/moved.
return d;
if(oldParentItem && !bCopy){
// In order for DnD moves to work correctly, childItem needs to be orphaned from oldParentItem
// before being adopted by newParentItem. That way, the TreeNode is moved rather than
// an additional TreeNode being created, and the old TreeNode subsequently being deleted.
// The latter loses information such as selection and opened/closed children TreeNodes.
// Unfortunately simply calling will send notifications in a random order, based
// on when the TreeNodes in question originally appeared, and not based on the drag-from
// TreeNode vs. the drop-onto TreeNode.
this.getChildren(oldParentItem, lang.hitch(this, function(oldParentChildren){
oldParentChildren = [].concat(oldParentChildren); // concat to make copy
var index = array.indexOf(oldParentChildren, childItem);
oldParentChildren.splice(index, 1);
this.onChildrenChange(oldParentItem, oldParentChildren);
d.resolve(, {
overwrite: true,
parent: newParentItem,
oldParent: oldParentItem,
before: before,
isCopy: false
d.resolve(, {
overwrite: true,
parent: newParentItem,
oldParent: oldParentItem,
before: before,
isCopy: true
return d;
myModel.getLabel = function(item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
myModel.mayHaveChildren = function(item) {
return item.item_type == 'folder';
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
getIconClass: function(item,opened) {
console.log("tree.getIconClass: " + JSON.stringify(item));
return (item.item_type == 'folder') ? ( opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed" ) : 'dijitLeaf';
var mydnd = new dndSource(tree,{
checkItemAcceptance: function(target,source,position) {
var targetItem = registry.byNode(target.parentNode).item;
var sourceItems = registry.byNode(source.node).selectedItems;
if (targetItem.item_type != 'folder') {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; dest is not a folder: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(targetItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; can't create in dest: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
for (var i=0; i < sourceItems.length; ++i) {
x = sourceItems[i];
if (x.parent_id == {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; same directory: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(x.rwx & 4)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; item not readable: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (source.sourceState == 'Moved') { // as opposed to 'Copied'
var parentItem = registry.byNode(registry.byNode(source.node).selectedNodes[0].domNode.parentNode.parentNode).item;
//console.log("checkItemAcceptance: parentItem is " + JSON.stringify(parentItem));
if (!(parentItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; from folder doesn't allow delete: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
return 1;
tree.dndController = mydnd;
<div id="treePlaceholder"/>
使用 中的想法,我正在尝试使用拖放实现一棵树。
下面是我的树的简化版本。请注意,checkItemAcceptance() 可以判断一个项目是否正在移动(未按下 ctrl 键)或复制(按下 ctrl 键\ ed) ... 但我不知道如何从方面包装的 put() 方法中分辨出来。有什么建议吗?
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<body class="claro">
<script src="" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function(dom,Observable,Memory,JsonRest,ObjectStoreModel,Tree,aspect,dndSource,registry) {
var jstore = new Memory({
{id:1,name:"/", parent_id:null,item_type:"folder",rwx:5},
{id:2, name:"dir1", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:3, name:"dir2", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:4, name:"file1", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
{id:5, name:"file2", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
getChildren: function(obj) {
return this.query({});
aspect.around(jstore,"put",function(originalPut) {
return function(obj,options) {
if (options && options.parent) {
obj.parent_id =;
var store = new Observable(jstore);
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {id:1}
myModel.getLabel = function(item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
myModel.mayHaveChildren = function(item) {
return item.item_type == 'folder';
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
getIconClass: function(item,opened) {
console.log("tree.getIconClass: " + JSON.stringify(item));
return (item.item_type == 'folder') ? ( opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed" ) : 'dijitLeaf';
var mydnd = new dndSource(tree,{
checkItemAcceptance: function(target,source,position) {
var targetItem = registry.byNode(target.parentNode).item;
var sourceItems = registry.byNode(source.node).selectedItems;
if (targetItem.item_type != 'folder') {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; dest is not a folder: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(targetItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; can't create in dest: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
for (var i=0; i < sourceItems.length; ++i) {
x = sourceItems[i];
if (x.parent_id == {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; same directory: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(x.rwx & 4)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; item not readable: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (source.sourceState == 'Moved') { // as opposed to 'Copied'
var parentItem = registry.byNode(registry.byNode(source.node).selectedNodes[0].domNode.parentNode.parentNode).item;
//console.log("checkItemAcceptance: parentItem is " + JSON.stringify(parentItem));
if (!(parentItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; from folder doesn't allow delete: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
return 1;
tree.dndController = mydnd;
<div id="treePlaceholder"/>
您不必使用自己的代码来区分移动和复制;这个逻辑已经由 dojo dnd 模块和 dijit 树实现。但是,您需要一个本地支持 put() 方法并且可以在层次结构中定位项目的商店。 MemoryStore 不支持它,围绕 put() 的方面只是一种技巧,可以使其与简单示例一起使用。可用的存储是 ItemFileWriteStore。 answer 有一个带有 ItemFileWriteStore 的树示例。
我认为我的解决方案只是有点难看;它涉及覆盖 ObjectStoreModel 的 pasteItem() 方法,以将新的 属性 'isCopy' 添加到它传递给商店的 put() 方法的选项中。这是我修改后的示例,演示了这一点:
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<body class="claro">
<script src="" data-dojo-config="async: true"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function(dom,Observable,Memory,JsonRest,ObjectStoreModel,Tree,aspect,dndSource,registry,Deferred,lang,array) {
var jstore = new Memory({
{id:1,name:"/", parent_id:null,item_type:"folder",rwx:5},
{id:2, name:"dir1", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:3, name:"dir2", parent_id:1, item_type:"folder",rwx:7},
{id:4, name:"file1", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
{id:5, name:"file2", parent_id:3, item_type:"file" ,rwx:7},
getChildren: function(obj) {
return this.query({});
aspect.around(jstore,"put",function(originalPut) {
return function(obj,options) {
if (options && options.parent) {
obj.parent_id =;
var store = new Observable(jstore);
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {id:1},
// A modified copy of dojo 1.10.0's dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel.js's
pasteItem: function(/*Item*/ childItem, /*Item*/ oldParentItem, /*Item*/ newParentItem,
/*Boolean*/ bCopy, /*int?*/ insertIndex, /*Item*/ before){
// summary:
// Move or copy an item from one parent item to another.
// Used in drag & drop.
var d = new Deferred();
if(oldParentItem === newParentItem && !bCopy && !before){
// Avoid problem when items visually disappear when dropped onto their parent.
// Happens because the (no-op) store.put() call doesn't generate any notification
// that the childItem was added/moved.
return d;
if(oldParentItem && !bCopy){
// In order for DnD moves to work correctly, childItem needs to be orphaned from oldParentItem
// before being adopted by newParentItem. That way, the TreeNode is moved rather than
// an additional TreeNode being created, and the old TreeNode subsequently being deleted.
// The latter loses information such as selection and opened/closed children TreeNodes.
// Unfortunately simply calling will send notifications in a random order, based
// on when the TreeNodes in question originally appeared, and not based on the drag-from
// TreeNode vs. the drop-onto TreeNode.
this.getChildren(oldParentItem, lang.hitch(this, function(oldParentChildren){
oldParentChildren = [].concat(oldParentChildren); // concat to make copy
var index = array.indexOf(oldParentChildren, childItem);
oldParentChildren.splice(index, 1);
this.onChildrenChange(oldParentItem, oldParentChildren);
d.resolve(, {
overwrite: true,
parent: newParentItem,
oldParent: oldParentItem,
before: before,
isCopy: false
d.resolve(, {
overwrite: true,
parent: newParentItem,
oldParent: oldParentItem,
before: before,
isCopy: true
return d;
myModel.getLabel = function(item) {
return JSON.stringify(item);
myModel.mayHaveChildren = function(item) {
return item.item_type == 'folder';
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel,
getIconClass: function(item,opened) {
console.log("tree.getIconClass: " + JSON.stringify(item));
return (item.item_type == 'folder') ? ( opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" : "dijitFolderClosed" ) : 'dijitLeaf';
var mydnd = new dndSource(tree,{
checkItemAcceptance: function(target,source,position) {
var targetItem = registry.byNode(target.parentNode).item;
var sourceItems = registry.byNode(source.node).selectedItems;
if (targetItem.item_type != 'folder') {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; dest is not a folder: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(targetItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; can't create in dest: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
for (var i=0; i < sourceItems.length; ++i) {
x = sourceItems[i];
if (x.parent_id == {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; same directory: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (!(x.rwx & 4)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; item not readable: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
if (source.sourceState == 'Moved') { // as opposed to 'Copied'
var parentItem = registry.byNode(registry.byNode(source.node).selectedNodes[0].domNode.parentNode.parentNode).item;
//console.log("checkItemAcceptance: parentItem is " + JSON.stringify(parentItem));
if (!(parentItem.rwx & 2)) {
console.log("checkItemAcceptance; from folder doesn't allow delete: "+source.sourceState+" items "+JSON.stringify(sourceItems)+" to "+JSON.stringify(targetItem));
return 0;
return 1;
tree.dndController = mydnd;
<div id="treePlaceholder"/>