在 IOS 中集成 PayPal MPL 时出现链接错误

Linking Error while integrating PayPal MPL in IOS

我正在将 PayPalMPL 集成到我的 IOS 应用程序中。 集成后,它在 IOS 模拟器中运行良好,但是当我尝试在外部设备中 运行 时,即;在 I-pad 中,然后它显示一个错误

ld: file is universal (4 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7s slice: /Users/.../Library/libPayPalMPL.a file '/Users/.../Library/libPayPalMPL.a' for architecture armv7s clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)



我在 Xcode 5 和 运行ning 代码在 IOS 6 在我的 I-Pad 上。

P.S:我使用旧的PayPalMPL instead of new PayPal IOS SDK,因为我必须使用自适应支付,它应该包括退款、连锁支付和未来支付,这是新SDK中缺少的。

我在 PayPal 帮助论坛上发布了同样的问题,他们回复了

Sorry to say but the only option here is you need to use the our latest SDK to resolve this issue or try not to use any library which discontinue in IOS.

然后当被问到"I want to use Adaptive Payment which is not available in new SDK",然后他们回答说,

There is no specific solution for this. But you may remove the library which not supported in IOS. We will some out with the new SDK soon.


构建设置 -> 将 "Enable Bitcode" 设置为 "No" 对我有用。