IBM MQ :: 远程配置 - 无法启动发送方通道

IBM MQ :: Remote Configuration - Can't Start Sender Channel

我正在使用 IBM MQ。几天前,我设法获得了一个基本的握手/放置消息/获取消息/断开连接 .net 解决方案,但它只适用于本地级别,我现在需要更新解决方案所以它也可以远程工作。

经过一段时间的阅读和实验,我决定遵循IBM Knowledge Center's Point to Point scenario step by step. However, I can't start the Sender Channel as instructed by the guide's last step; Sender Channel 的状态在 Binding 和 Retrying 之间反复,日志中出现以下错误代码; AMQ9002AMQ9202AMQ9999,意思是,据我所知,有某种无法找到 and/or 与主机的连接,如错误日志所述。

我已经查看了很多关于这些错误的问题,但是虽然我遵循了大多数建议的解决方案(我确保接收者的监听器是 运行,但我尝试了关闭防火墙,我尝试使用不同的端口,我已经执行了 Telnet 测试,我有几次 stopped/restarted/resolved 发件人通道,我已经尝试从命令行和 MQ Explorer),我还没有在两台不同的 PC 之间进行成功的通信。


我如何才能完成 IBM 的点对点设置指南,或者有什么可以让我找到一种不同的/更好的方法来让两台 PC 通过 IBM MQ v9 相互通信?


2017/09/19 17:34:09 - Process (234212.1) User (MUSR_MQADMIN) Program (runmqchl.exe) Host (DESKTOP - UP 4 D 363) Installation (Installation 1) VRMF ( QMgr (QM 1) Time (2017-09-19T08: 34: 09.201 Z)

AMQ9002: Channel 'TO.QM2' is starting.

Description: Channel 'TO.QM2' is starting.


2017/09/19 17:34:30 - Process (234212.1) User (MUSR_MQADMIN) Program (runmqchl.exe) Host (DESKTOP - UP4D363) Installation (Installation 1) VRMF ( QMgr (QM 1) Time (2017-09-19T08: 34: 30.824Z)

AMQ 9202: The remote host 'DESKTOP-1AV4LM3 (The correct ip address) (1415)' can not be used.Please try again later.

Description: Using TCP / IP to host 'DESKTOP-1AV4LM3 (The correct ip address) of channel TO.QM2 (1415) 'trying to allocate a conversation, but it did not succeed. However, It is temporary and there is also the possibility that TCP / IP conversation can be allocated normally later.

If the remote host can not be determined, '????' is displayed. .

ACTION: Please try the connection later. If the failure persists, record the error value Please contact the stem administrator. The return code from TCP / IP is 10060 (X'274C ').The cause of this failure may be that the host can not reach the destination host. Alternatively, There is a possibility that the host 'DESKTOP-1AV4LM3 (The correct ip address) (1415)' listener isn't running. If that is the case, start the listener and try again.

2017/09/19 17:34:30 - Process (234212.1) User (MUSR_MQADMIN) Program (runmqchl.exe) Host (DESKTOP - UP 4 D 363) Installation (Installation 1) VRMF ( QMgr (QM 1) Time (2017-09-19T08: 34: 30.825Z)

AMQ9999: Channel 'TO.QM2' for host 'DESKTOP-1AV4LM3 (1415)' terminated abnormally

Description: The host 'DESKTOP-1AV4LM3 (1415)' cannot be determined.

ACTION: Check the error log for the preceding error message for this channel program Please determine the cause of failure.... ".

上面错误消息的 'interesting' 位是发件人正在尝试启动到目标端口 1415 的通道,并且正在获取 10060 return 代码 (WSAETIMEDOUT)。这不同于立即拒绝,因为例如,另一端没有打开套接字。

如果您的时间可信,您还会注意到它在大约 21 秒后超时。我唯一一次看到这种事情是 DNS 解析 - 例如有一个 APAR 显示反向 DNS 会导致通道启动延迟,这可能是成功或不成功的启动

向 MQ 添加了一个新属性以禁用反向 DNS 查找(如果它是原因)- 请参阅

如果是这种情况,请在接收端(或两者!)尝试 runmqsc ,'ALTER QMGR REVDNS(DISABLED)'。您可能需要重新启动 qmgr 才能生效(我不确定,抱歉)

我还会重复 JoshMc 添加到您的问题中的评论,以在发生这种情况时检查消息的接收端日志(都是全局错误,但更可能是 qmgr 特定的 AMQERR01.LOG 文件)- 我有感觉超时只是您问题的一部分。