使用 PHP 将字符串转换为图像

Convert string to image with PHP

我有一个 PHP 脚本可以在服务器端创建一个有效的图像文件。以下代码运行良好:

$filename = $_GET['filename'];

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    echo "$filename is not null.";
    $image = @imagecreatetruecolor(10, 10)
                or die('Cannot Initialize new GD image stream');

    if (strpos($image, '/gif') !== false) {
        $image_type = "GIF";
        header('Content-Type: image/gif');
        $successful = imagegif($image, "./$filename");
    } else if (strpos($image, '/jpeg') !== false) {
        $image_type = "JPG";
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        $successful = imagejpeg($image, "./$filename");
    } else if (strpos($image, '/png') !== false) {
        $image_type = "PNG";
        header('Content-Type: image/png');
        $successful = imagepng($image, "./$filename");

    if ($successful) {
        echo "Image written to '$filename'.";
    } else {
        echo "Could not write $image_type image to '$filename'.";
    echo "image destroyed.";
} else {
    echo "$filename is null.";

这工作正常并且创建了一个带有 $filename 的图像。但实际上,我不仅要接收文件名,还要接收图像。所以,真正的代码是

$filename = $_GET['filename'];

$image = $_GET['image'];

echo "file $filename = '$image'.";

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    echo "$filename is not null.";

    if (strpos($image, '/gif') !== false) {
        $image_type = "GIF";
        header('Content-Type: image/gif');
        $successful = imagegif($image, "./$filename");
    } else if (strpos($image, '/jpeg') !== false) {
        $image_type = "JPG";
        header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
        $successful = imagejpeg($image, "./$filename");
    } else if (strpos($image, '/png') !== false) {
        $image_type = "PNG";
        header('Content-Type: image/png');
        $successful = imagepng($image, "./$filename");

    if ($successful) {
        echo "Image written to '$filename'.";
    } else {
        echo "Could not write $image_type image to '$filename'.";
    echo "image destroyed.";
} else {
    echo "$filename is null.";


file t.png = ' … qA/Cz//Z'.t.png is not null.Image written to 't.png'.image destroyed.

如何从 'data:image/jpeg … ' 字符串创建 PHP 中的有效图像?

编辑 1: 我在上面的代码中添加了一行以查看它不可能与 another question:

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    echo "$filename is not null.";
    $image = base64_decode($image); // <<<<

编辑 2: 我修改了代码以便删除文件:

$filename = $_GET['filename'];

$image = $_GET['image'];

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    echo "$filename is not null.";
    $image = base64_decode($image);
    $slash1 = strpos($image, '/');

    $image_type = substr($image, $slash1, strpos($image, ';') - $slash1);

    if (file_exists($filename)) unlink($filename);

    header('Content-Type: image/' . $image_type);

    switch ($image_type) {
        case "gif":
            $successful = imagegif($image, "./$filename");
        case "jpeg":
        case "jpg":
            $successful = imagejpeg($image, "./$filename");
        case "png":
            $successful = imagepng($image, "./$filename");

    if ($successful) {
        echo "Image written to '$filename'.";
    } else {
        echo "Could not write $image_type image to '$filename'.";
    echo "image destroyed.";
} else {
    echo "$filename is null.";

但是,我还是收到了回复 Could not write image to 't.jpg'

EDIT 3: 这是我传递给两个参数的内容:


编辑 4: 根据@delboy1978uk 的建议修改了代码。此外,传递的 文件名 包含图像文件扩展名是不正确的,因为这应该始终对应于图像类型:

$filename = $_GET['filename'];

$image = $_GET['image'];

echo "file $filename = '$image'.";

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    $slash = strpos($image, '/') + 1;

    $image_type = substr($image, $slash, strpos($image, ';') - $slash);
    $comma = strpos($image, ',') + 1;

    $image = substr($image, $comma);

    $decoded_image = base64_decode($image);

    $image = imagecreatefromstring($decoded_image);

    echo "The image type is '$image_type'.";

    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        echo "Deleted file '$filename'.";

    header('Content-Type: image/' . $image_type);
    $filename .= '.' . $image_type;

    switch ($image_type) {
        case "gif":
            $successful = imagegif($image, "./$filename");
        case "jpeg":
        case "jpg":
            $successful = imagejpeg($image, "./$filename");
        case "png":
            $successful = imagepng($image, "./$filename");

    if ($successful) {
        echo "Image written to '$filename'.";
    } else {
        echo "Could not write $image_type image to '$filename'.";

    if (imagedestroy($image) === true) {
        echo "Image destroyed.";
} else {
    echo "$filename is null.";

您正在尝试在您已将输出发送到的页面上发送 headers。

如果您从文件加载,您需要使用 imagecreatefromjpeg() 以及 GIF 和 PNG 等价物。 http://php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromjpeg.php

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);

要让实际的字符串数据在您的 <image> 标签中逐字回显,请使用输出缓冲:

$image = ob_get_clean();
echo '<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode( $i ).'" />';

如果你有兴趣,我在几年前制作了一个图像 class 来处理这些东西,请看这里 https://github.com/delboy1978uk/image/blob/master/src/Image.php and a blog about it https://delboy1978uk.wordpress.com/2014/12/01/outputting-images-as-base64-encoded-strings/

问题解决!!这是获取浏览器缓存图像并将其发送到请求的服务器位置的代码。从服务器取回图片,原来是同一张图片。首先是 JavaScript 代码:

var parameters = {
    headerImageLocation: '',
    image: new Image(),

if (strings.hasMinimalLength(blobURL, 9)) {
    this.getBlobFromURL(blobURL).then(this.fromBlobToBase64).then(function(result) {
        parameters['image'].src = result;
        parameters['headerImageLocation'] = './' + strings.generateID();

} else {

// Prototype "MainServer":
MainServer.method('continueWithNewsTicker', function(parameters) {
    var url = server.ServiceTest + 'saveHeaderImage.php';

    if (strings.hasMinimalLength(parameters['headerImageLocation'], 1)) {
        var formData = new FormData();

        formData.append('filename', parameters['headerImageLocation']);
        formData.append('image', parameters['image'].src);

        this.uploadFile(formData, url);

// Prototype "Server":
Server.method('uploadFile', function (data, url) {
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();    // AJAX request

    xhr.open('POST', url);

// Prototype "Strings":
Strings.method('generateID', function () {
    function s4() {
        return Math.floor((1 + Math.random())*0x10000)
    return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
        s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();


ini_set('display_errors', 1);

// Get the input data safely
$filename = $_POST['filename'];
$image = $_POST['image'];

// Only proceed if we got valid input
if ($filename !== null) {
    // Prepare to remove "header" information:
    $comma = strpos($image, ',') + 1;
    $slash = strpos($image, '/') + 1;
    // The image type will also determine the file extension
    $image_type = substr($image, $slash, strpos($image, ';') - $slash);
    // Remove "header" information from rest of image:
    $image = substr($image, $comma);

    $decoded_image = base64_decode($image);
    $filename .= '.' . $image_type;

    if (file_exists($filename)) unlink($filename);

    $successful = file_put_contents($filename, $decoded_image);

    if ($successful) {
        echo "Image written to '$filename'.";
    } else {
        echo "Could not write $image_type image to '$filename'.";
} else {
    echo "$filename is null.";