
Joining Two Datasets with Predicate Pushdown

我有一个从 RDD 创建的 Dataset 并尝试将它与另一个 Dataset 这是从我的 Phoenix Table:

val dfToJoin = sparkSession.createDataset(rddToJoin)
val tableDf = sparkSession
  .option("table", "table")
  .option("zkURL", "localhost")
val joinedDf = dfToJoin.join(tableDf, "columnToJoinOn")

当我执行它时,似乎加载了整个数据库 table 以进行连接。

有没有办法进行这样的连接,以便在数据库而不是在 spark 中完成过滤?

另外:dfToJoin 比 table 小,我不知道这是否重要。

编辑:基本上我想加入我的 Phoenix table 和一个通过 spark 创建的数据集,而不是将整个 table 提取到执行程序中。


         WINDOW_NUMBER#24, uniqueIdentifier#5, readLength#6]
 +- *SortMergeJoin [FEATURE#21], [feature#4], Inner
     :- *Sort [FEATURE#21 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
     :  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(FEATURE#21, 200)
     :     +- *Filter isnotnull(FEATURE#21)
     :        +- *Scan PhoenixRelation(FEATURES,localhost,false) 

    PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(FEATURE)], ReadSchema: 

   +- *Sort [feature#4 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
  +- Exchange hashpartitioning(feature#4, 200)
     +- *Filter isnotnull(feature#4)
        +- *SerializeFromObject [assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).feature AS feature#4, staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String, StringType, fromString, assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).uniqueIdentifier, true) AS uniqueIdentifier#5, assertnotnull(input[0, utils.CaseClasses$QueryFeature, true], top level Product input object).readLength AS readLength#6]
           +- Scan ExternalRDDScan[obj#3]

如您所见,equals-filter 不包含在 pushed-filters 列表中,因此很明显没有谓词下推发生。

Spark will fetch the Phoenix table records to appropriate executors(not the entire table to one executor)

由于 Phoenix table df 上没有直接 filter,我们在实际计划中只看到 *Filter isnotnull(FEATURE#21)

正如您提到的 Phoenix table 当您对其应用过滤器时,数据较少。您通过在其他数据集中查找 feature_ids,将过滤器推送到 feature 列上的 phoenix table。

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val dfToJoin = sparkSession.createDataset(rddToJoin)

//This sits in driver - not distributed
val list_of_feature_ids = dfToJoin.dropDuplicates("feature")
  .map(r => r.getString(0))

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val tableDf = sparkSession
  .option("table", "table")
  .option("zkURL", "localhost")
  .filter($"FEATURE".isin(list_of_feature_ids:_*)) //added filter

//This spread across workers  - fully distributed
val joinedDf = dfToJoin.join(tableDf, "columnToJoinOn")
