如何在 LINQified Regex 中使用 OrderBy<>?

How can I use OrderBy<> in my LINQified Regex?

我在这里找到了如何从 html 文件中提取不同的元素


<span class="sam" title="This is Sam Clemens speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is 'The Sphynx' speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is the stagecoach driver speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is someone other than the main characters speaking">
<span class="others" title="The station-boss is speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is 'an elderly pilgrim' speaking">
<span class="others2" title="This is Jack speaking">
<span class="bemis" title="This is Bemis speaking">


<span class="bemis" title="This is Bemis speaking">
<span class="sam" title="This is Sam Clemens speaking">
<span class="others" title="The station-boss is speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is 'an elderly pilgrim' speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is 'The Sphynx' speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is someone other than the main characters speaking">
<span class="others" title="This is the stagecoach driver speaking">
<span class="others2" title="This is Jack speaking">


distinct_values = MyRegex.Matches(str).Cast<Match>().Select(p => p.Value).Distinct().ToList();


distinct_values = MyRegex.Matches(str).Cast<Match>().Select(p => p.Value).Distinct().OrderBy<>

...但即使我是对的,我也不知道 OrderBy 的尖括号内应该包含什么。


 .OrderBy(p => p.PropertyName)

其中 PropteryName 是您要订购的 属性 的名称。

如果您希望 return 值作为列表,则:

  .OrderBy(p => p.PropertyName).ToList();


  .OrderBy(p => p).ToList();


.OrderBy(p => p).ToList();

当然,它只按预期工作,因为这里按整个字符串排序就足够了。如果没有,您可能想要 select 实际字符串和另一个只有例如class 值。