wand-py 中是否有 -level 函数

Is there a -level function in wand-py

wand-py 中是否有 -level 功能来调整图像的级别?


-level 操作,或 MagickLevelImage C-API,目前在 wand-py 中不存在。然而,wand.api 使得添加对这种方法的支持变得非常容易。

扩展 wand.image.Image class 的示例:

from ctypes import c_void_p, c_double, c_int
from wand.api import library
from wand.image import Image

# Define C-API method signatures
library.MagickLevelImage.argtypes = [c_void_p,  # wand
                                     c_double,  # black_point
                                     c_double,  # gamma
                                     c_double]  # white_point
library.MagickLevelImage.restype = c_int

class MyImage(Image):
    def level(self, black, white, gamma=1.0):
        # Assert black, gamma, & white are float types
        # between 0.0 & 1.0.
        # Both black & white values must be converted to
        # QuantumRange percentages.
        quantum = float(self.quantum_range)
        return library.MagickLevelImage(self.wand,
                                        black * quantum,
                                        white * quantum)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # convert rose: -level 20%,50% rose_level.png
    with MyImage(filename='rose:') as image:
        image.level(0.2, 0.5)