从 TypeScript 中的通用、有区别的联合缩小 return 类型

Narrowing a return type from a generic, discriminated union in TypeScript

我有一个 class 方法,它接受单个参数作为字符串,return 是一个具有匹配 type 属性 的对象。此方法用于缩小已区分的联合类型,并保证 returned 对象将始终是具有提供的 type 区分值的特定缩小类型。



interface Action {
  type: string;

interface ExampleAction extends Action {
  type: 'Example';
  example: true;

interface AnotherAction extends Action {
  type: 'Another';
  another: true;

type MyActions = ExampleAction | AnotherAction;

declare class Example<T extends Action> {
  doSomething<R extends T>(key: R['type']): R;

const items = new Example<MyActions>();

// result is guaranteed to be an ExampleAction
// but it is not inferred as such
const result1 = items.doSomething('Example');

// ts: Property 'example' does not exist on type 'AnotherAction'

 * If the dev provides the type more explicitly it narrows it
 * but I'm hoping it can be inferred instead

// this works, but is not ideal
const result2 = items.doSomething<ExampleAction>('Example');
// this also works, but is not ideal
const result3: ExampleAction = items.doSomething('Example');

我也尝试变聪明,尝试动态构建 "mapped type"——这是 TS 中的一个相当新的功能。

declare class Example2<T extends Action> {
  doSomething<R extends T['type'], TypeMap extends { [K in T['type']]: T }>(key: R): TypeMap[R];

这会产生相同的结果:它不会缩小类型,因为在类型映射 { [K in T['type']]: T } 中,每个计算的 属性、T 的值不是 对于 K in 迭代的每个 属性 但只是相同的 MyActions 并集。如果我要求用户提供我可以使用的预定义映射类型,那会起作用,但这不是一个选项,因为在实践中这将是非常糟糕的开发人员体验。 (工会很大)

这个用例可能看起来很奇怪。我试图将我的问题提炼成更易用的形式,但我的用例实际上是关于 Observables 的。如果您熟悉它们,我会尝试更准确地键入 ofType operator provided by redux-observable. It is basically a shorthand for a filter() on the type property.

这实际上与 Observable#filterArray#filter 缩小类型的方式非常相似,但 TS 似乎明白了这一点,因为谓词回调具有 value is S return 价值。目前尚不清楚我如何在此处改编类似内容。

遗憾的是,您无法使用联合类型(即 type MyActions = ExampleAction | AnotherAction;)实现此行为。

If we have a value that has a union type, we can only access members that are common to all types in the union.


const result2 = items.doSomething<ExampleAction>('Example');


设置有点冗长,但我们可以通过类型查找实现您想要的 API:

interface Action {
  type: string;

interface Actions {
  [key: string]: Action;

interface ExampleAction extends Action {
  type: 'Example';
  example: true;

interface AnotherAction extends Action {
  type: 'Another';
  another: true;

type MyActions = {
  Another: AnotherAction;
  Example: ExampleAction;

declare class Example<T extends Actions> {
  doSomething<K extends keyof T, U>(key: K): T[K];

const items = new Example<MyActions>();

const result1 = items.doSomething('Example');



具体来说,我们在这里可以做的是在动作标签(即 "Example""Another")及其各自的有效负载之间添加一个 table。

type ActionPayloadTable = {
    "Example": { example: true },
    "Another": { another: true },

然后我们可以做的是创建一个辅助类型,用映射到每个动作标签的特定 属性 标记每个有效载荷:

type TagWithKey<TagName extends string, T> = {
    [K in keyof T]: { [_ in TagName]: K } & T[K]

我们将使用它在动作类型和完整动作对象本身之间创建 table:

type ActionTable = TagWithKey<"type", ActionPayloadTable>;


type ActionTable = {
    "Example": { type: "Example" } & { example: true },
    "Another": { type: "Another" } & { another: true },


type ExampleAction = ActionTable["Example"];
type AnotherAction = ActionTable["Another"];


type MyActions = ExampleAction | AnotherAction;


type Unionize<T> = T[keyof T];

type MyActions = Unionize<ActionTable>;

我们终于可以继续您的 class 了。我们不对动作进行参数化,而是对动作进行参数化 table。

declare class Example<Table> {
  doSomething<ActionName extends keyof Table>(key: ActionName): Table[ActionName];

这可能是最有意义的部分 - Example 基本上只是将 table 的输入映射到它的输出。


 * Adds a property of a certain name and maps it to each property's key.
 * For example,
 *   ```
 *   type ActionPayloadTable = {
 *     "Hello": { foo: true },
 *     "World": { bar: true },
 *   }
 *   type Foo = TagWithKey<"greeting", ActionPayloadTable>; 
 *   ```
 * is more or less equivalent to
 *   ```
 *   type Foo = {
 *     "Hello": { greeting: "Hello", foo: true },
 *     "World": { greeting: "World", bar: true },
 *   }
 *   ```
type TagWithKey<TagName extends string, T> = {
    [K in keyof T]: { [_ in TagName]: K } & T[K]

type Unionize<T> = T[keyof T];

type ActionPayloadTable = {
    "Example": { example: true },
    "Another": { another: true },

type ActionTable = TagWithKey<"type", ActionPayloadTable>;

type ExampleAction = ActionTable["Example"];
type AnotherAction = ActionTable["Another"];

type MyActions = Unionize<ActionTable>

declare class Example<Table> {
  doSomething<ActionName extends keyof Table>(key: ActionName): Table[ActionName];

const items = new Example<ActionTable>();

const result1 = items.doSomething("Example");


这需要 a change in TypeScript 完全按照问题中的要求工作。

如果 classes 可以分组为单个对象的属性,那么接受的答案也可以提供帮助。我喜欢那里的 Unionize<T> 把戏。


class RedShape {
  color: 'Red'

class BlueShape {
  color: 'Blue'

type Shapes = RedShape | BlueShape;

type AmIRed = Shapes & { color: 'Red' };
/* Equals to

type AmIRed = (RedShape & {
    color: "Red";
}) | (BlueShape & {
    color: "Red";

/* Notice the last part in before:
(BlueShape & {
  color: "Red";
// Let's investigate:
type Whaaat = (BlueShape & {
  color: "Red";
type WhaaatColor = Whaaat['color'];

/* Same as:
  type WhaaatColor = "Blue" & "Red"

// And this is the problem.

您可以做的另一件事是将实际的 class 传递给函数。这是一个疯狂的例子:

declare function filterShape<
  TShape extends Partial<TShapes>
  >(shapes: TShapes[], cl: new (...any) => TShape): TShape;

// Doesn't run because the function is not implemented, but helps confirm the type
const amIRed = filterShape(new Array<Shapes>(), RedShape);
type isItRed = typeof amIRed;
/* Same as:
type isItRed = RedShape

这里的问题是您无法获取 color 的值。您可以 RedShape.prototype.color,但这将始终是未定义的,因为该值仅在构造函数中应用。 RedShape 编译为:

var RedShape = /** @class */ (function () {
    function RedShape() {
    return RedShape;


class RedShape {
  color: 'Red' = 'Red';


var RedShape = /** @class */ (function () {
    function RedShape() {
        this.color = 'Red';
    return RedShape;



class Action1 { type: '1' }
class Action2 { type: '2' }
type Actions = Action1 | Action2;

declare function ofType<TActions extends { type: string },
  TAction extends TActions>(
  actions: TActions[],
  action: new(...any) => TAction, type: TAction['type']): TAction;

const one = ofType(new Array<Actions>(), Action1, '1');
/* Same as if
var one: Action1 = ...


declare function doSomething<TAction extends { type: string }>(
  action: new(...any) => TAction, type: TAction['type']): TAction;

const one = doSomething(Action1, '1');
/* Same as if
const one : Action1 = ...

正如在对其他答案的评论中提到的,TypeScript 中已经存在用于修复推理问题的问题。我写了一条评论链接回这个答案的解释,并提供了问题的更高层次的例子 here.

从 TypeScript 2.8 开始,您可以通过条件类型来完成此操作。

// Narrows a Union type base on N
// e.g. NarrowAction<MyActions, 'Example'> would produce ExampleAction
type NarrowAction<T, N> = T extends { type: N } ? T : never;

interface Action {
    type: string;

interface ExampleAction extends Action {
    type: 'Example';
    example: true;

interface AnotherAction extends Action {
    type: 'Another';
    another: true;

type MyActions =
    | ExampleAction
    | AnotherAction;

declare class Example<T extends Action> {
    doSomething<K extends T['type']>(key: K): NarrowAction<T, K>

const items = new Example<MyActions>();

// Inferred ExampleAction works
const result1 = items.doSomething('Example');

注意:归功于@jcalz,从这个答案中获得了 NarrowAction 类型的想法