如何通过提供 Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis DetectedFace 列表使用 Microsoft Cognitive 服务检测人脸属性?

How to detect face attributes using Microsoft Cognitive service by providing Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis DetectedFace list?

我能够从 Live Web Cam 获取面孔作为 Windows.Media.FaceAnalysis DetectedFace 对象的列表。现在我想将这些人脸传递给 Microsoft Cognitive Services API 来检测人脸并获取​​人脸属性。我该怎么做?

IList<DetectedFace> faces = null;

// Create a VideoFrame object specifying the pixel format we want our capture image to be (NV12 bitmap in this case).
// GetPreviewFrame will convert the native webcam frame into this format.
const BitmapPixelFormat InputPixelFormat = BitmapPixelFormat.Nv12;
using (VideoFrame previewFrame = new VideoFrame(InputPixelFormat, (int)this.videoProperties.Width, (int)this.videoProperties.Height))
    await this.mediaCapture.GetPreviewFrameAsync(previewFrame);

    // The returned VideoFrame should be in the supported NV12 format but we need to verify this.
    if (FaceDetector.IsBitmapPixelFormatSupported(previewFrame.SoftwareBitmap.BitmapPixelFormat))
        faces = await this.faceDetector.DetectFacesAsync(previewFrame.SoftwareBitmap);

        // Now pass this faces to Cognitive services API
        // faceClient.DetectAsync

DetectedFace 对象包含实际面部的边界框。因此,您可以使用这些知识创建人脸的内存流并将其发送到 Face Client

private async Task DetectAsync()
    IList<DetectedFace> faces = null;
    const BitmapPixelFormat InputPixelFormat = BitmapPixelFormat.Nv12;
    using (VideoFrame destinationPreviewFrame = new VideoFrame(InputPixelFormat, 640, 480))
        await this._mediaCapture.GetPreviewFrameAsync(destinationPreviewFrame);

        if (FaceDetector.IsBitmapPixelFormatSupported(InputPixelFormat))
            faces = await this.faceDetector.DetectFacesAsync(destinationPreviewFrame.SoftwareBitmap);

            foreach (var face in faces)
                // convert NV12 to RGBA16 format
                SoftwareBitmap convertedBitmap = SoftwareBitmap.Convert(destinationPreviewFrame.SoftwareBitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.Rgba16);

                // get the raw bytes of the detected face
                byte[] rawBytes = await GetBytesFromBitmap(convertedBitmap, BitmapEncoder.BmpEncoderId, face.FaceBox);

                // read the bitmap and send it to the face client
                using (Stream stream = rawBytes.AsBuffer().AsStream())
                    var faceAttributesToReturn = new List<FaceAttributeType>()

                    Face[] detectedFaces = await this.faceClient.DetectAsync(stream, true, true, faceAttributesToReturn);

                    Debug.Assert(detectedFaces.Length > 0);

private async Task<byte[]> GetBytesFromBitmap(SoftwareBitmap soft, Guid encoderId, BitmapBounds bounds)
    byte[] array = null;

    using (var ms = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream())
        BitmapEncoder encoder = await BitmapEncoder.CreateAsync(encoderId, ms);

        // apply the bounds of the face
        encoder.BitmapTransform.Bounds = bounds;

        await encoder.FlushAsync();

        array = new byte[ms.Size];

        await ms.ReadAsync(array.AsBuffer(), (uint)ms.Size, InputStreamOptions.None);

    return array;