如何最小化围绕任意轴旋转 3D space 中的点时的浮点误差?

How to minimize floating point inaccuracy in rotating a point in 3D space about an arbitrary axis?

我有一个程序可以在 3D 上可视化平移和旋转 space。我对主要代码没有问题,但经过数小时的测试后,我发现导致不准确的函数是任意轴上的旋转。


我已将此 website as my guide, please jump to the bottom of the page at 6.2 and see the function with 10 parameters. On the same page, there's a link 用于该过程的示例用法。我已经确认问题在于此应用程序的浮点不准确。

我要旋转的样本点:( 0, -9, 0) 与旋转轴相交的点:( 0, -10, 0) 旋转轴的方向向量:<1,0,0> 旋转角度:2度

每次循环,当前点旋转2度,重复20次。第一次迭代的正确 Y 值是 -9.0006,而在我的例子中它给出 -8.9945 并持续波动直到第 5 次或第 6 次迭代,然后在这些迭代之后显示正确的值。


private static Vector3d RotateArbitrary(Vector3d Point, Vector3d AxisPoint, Vector3d AxisDirection, double Degrees)
        return new Vector3d(
            ((AxisPoint.X * (Math.Pow(AxisDirection.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(AxisDirection.Z, 2)) - AxisDirection.X * (AxisPoint.Y * AxisDirection.Y + AxisPoint.Z * AxisDirection.Z - AxisDirection.X * Point.X - AxisDirection.Y * Point.Y - AxisDirection.Z * Point.Z)) * (1 - Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees))) + Point.X * Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees)) + (-AxisPoint.Z * AxisDirection.Y + AxisPoint.Y * AxisDirection.Z - AxisDirection.Z * Point.Y + AxisDirection.Y * Point.Z) * Math.Sin(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees))),
            ((AxisPoint.X * (Math.Pow(AxisDirection.X, 2) + Math.Pow(AxisDirection.Z, 2)) - AxisDirection.Y * (AxisPoint.X * AxisDirection.X + AxisPoint.Z * AxisDirection.Z - AxisDirection.X * Point.X - AxisDirection.Y * Point.Y - AxisDirection.Z * Point.Z)) * (1 - Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees))) + Point.Y * Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees)) + (AxisPoint.Z * AxisDirection.X - AxisPoint.X * AxisDirection.Z + AxisDirection.Z * Point.X - AxisDirection.X * Point.Z) * Math.Sin(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees))),
            ((AxisPoint.X * (Math.Pow(AxisDirection.X, 2) + Math.Pow(AxisDirection.Y, 2)) - AxisDirection.Z * (AxisPoint.X * AxisDirection.X + AxisPoint.Y * AxisDirection.Y - AxisDirection.X * Point.X - AxisDirection.Y * Point.Y - AxisDirection.Z * Point.Z)) * (1 - Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees))) + Point.Z * Math.Cos(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees)) + (-AxisPoint.Y * AxisDirection.X + AxisPoint.X * AxisDirection.Y - AxisDirection.Y * Point.X + AxisDirection.X * Point.Y) * Math.Sin(MathHelper.DegreesToRadians(Degrees)))




private static Vector3 RotateArbitrary(Vector3 Point, Vector3 AxisPoint, Vector3 AxisDirection, float Radians)
            return Vector3.Add(Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Subtract(Point, AxisPoint), Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(AxisDirection, Radians)), AxisPoint);

请注意,首先平移Point,使AxisPoint 位于原点,这样就可以进行旋转。然后将结果转换到其原始位置。