SQL Server 2005 : 如何在存储过程中 'access' XML table 参数

SQL Server 2005 : how to 'access' XML table parameter in stored procedure

我在 SQL Server 2005 中创建了一个调用存储过程的 Web 服务方法,它接受 XML 输入参数。

我在 SQL Server 2008 中创建了一个并使其工作,但在 SQL Server 2005 中没有。GridView 显示正确的行数和列数,但都是空白。

编辑: 我在将结果集填充到数据集 ds_result 时删除了 try-catch 并收到此错误:

Server was unable to process request. ---> Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.

C# 生成 XML:

    DataSet CollectedReceivingData = new DataSet("CollectedReceivingData");

    DataTable SR_Header = CollectedReceivingData.Tables.Add("SR_Header");
    DataTable SR_Details = CollectedReceivingData.Tables.Add("SR_Details");

    SR_Header.Columns.Add("receiving_id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Header.Columns.Add("job_no", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Header.Columns.Add("item_id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Header.Columns.Add("expiry_date", typeof(DateTime));
    SR_Header.Columns.Add("remarks", typeof(string));
    SR_Header.Columns.Add("rcv_qty", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

    SR_Header.Rows.Add("327051", "0381021", "21848", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "50");
    SR_Header.Rows.Add("327052", "0381021", "21849", "02/05/2016", "This is a remarks test for item 2", "25");

    SR_Details.Columns.Add("receiving_id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("pallet_id", typeof(string));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("qty_in_pallet", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("expiry_date", typeof(DateTime));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("remarks", typeof(string));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("warehouse_id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
    SR_Details.Columns.Add("location_id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));

    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327051", "327051-001", "24", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "2", "36");
    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327051", "327051-002", "5", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "2", "36");
    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327051", "327051-003", "5", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "2", "36");
    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327051", "327051-004", "15", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "2", "36");

    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327052", "327052-001", "5", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "3", "2");
    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327052", "327052-002", "15", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "3", "2");
    SR_Details.Rows.Add("327052", "327052-003", "5", "02/03/2016", "This is a remarks test.", "3", "2");

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();

    WebService1 wsobject = new WebService1();
    ds = wsobject.UpdateCollectedReceivingData(CollectedReceivingData);
    gvReceiving.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
    gvReceiving2.DataSource = ds.Tables[1];


    public DataSet UpdateCollectedReceivingData(DataSet ds)
        DataSet ds_result = new DataSet();
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
        string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnStringWS"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection objConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        DataSet dsResult = new DataSet();

        using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("[dbo].[SP_Receive]"))
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.Connection = objConn;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@x", SqlDbType.Xml).Value = ds.GetXml();
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);


        return ds_result;


    (@x XML)
    DECLARE @t1 TABLE ([receiving_id] [int] NULL,
                       [job_no] [int] NULL,
                       [item_id] [int] NULL,
                       [expiry_date] [datetime] NULL,
                       [remarks] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
                       [rcv_qty] [int] NULL

    DECLARE @t2 TABLE ([receiving_id] [int] NULL,
                       [pallet_id] [nvarchar](20) NULL,
                       [qty_in_pallet] [int] NULL,
                       [expiry_date] [datetime] NULL,
                       [remarks] [nvarchar](255) NULL,
                       [warehouse_id] [int] NULL,
                       [location_id] [int] NULL

    INSERT INTO @t1 ([receiving_id], [job_no], [item_id], [expiry_date],
                     [remarks], [rcv_qty])
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@receiving_id','int') as [receiving_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@job_no','int') as [job_no],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@item_id','int') as [item_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@expiry_date','datetime') as [expiry_date],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@remarks','nvarchar(255)') as [remarks],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@rcv_qty','int') as [rcv_qty]
            @x.nodes('//CollectedReceivingData/SR_Header') as xmlVals(rowvals)

    INSERT INTO @t2 ([receiving_id], [pallet_id], [qty_in_pallet],
                     [expiry_date], [remarks], [warehouse_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@receiving_id','int') as [receiving_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@pallet_id','nvarchar(20)') as [job_no],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@qty_in_pallet','int') as [item_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@expiry_date','datetime') as [expiry_date],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@remarks','nvarchar(255)') as [remarks],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@warehouse_id','int') as [warehouse_id],
            xmlVals.rowvals.value('@location_id','int') as [location_id]
            @x.nodes('//CollectedReceivingData/SR_Details') as xmlVals(rowvals)

    SELECT * 
    INTO #tmp1 
            t1.receiving_id as receiving_id,
            error_message = CASE
                    WHEN t2.receiving_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Item has already been received.'
                    WHEN total_rcv_qty > t1.rcv_qty THEN 'Total received quantity exceeded the quantity to be received.'
                    ELSE NULL
                 SD.receiving_id, SH.job_no, SH.item_id, 
                 SH.rcv_qty, SUM(qty_in_pallet) as total_rcv_qty
              FROM @t2 SD
              INNER JOIN @t1 SH ON SH.receiving_id = SD.receiving_id
              GROUP BY SD.receiving_id, SH.job_no, SH.item_id, SH.rcv_qty, SD.receiving_id) t1
         LEFT JOIN 
             StockIN_Header t2 ON t1.receiving_id = t2.receiving_id
         LEFT JOIN 
             StorBest.dbo.item_master IM ON t1.item_id = IM.itemid) AS tmp1

    SELECT * 
    INTO #tmp2 
             SD.receiving_id, SD.pallet_id,
                error_message = CASE
                    WHEN WLV.warehouseid IS NULL THEN 'Invalid location_id.'
                    WHEN W.warehouseid IS NULL THEN 'Invalid warehouse_id.'
                    WHEN SD2.pallet_id IS NOT NULL THEN 'Pallet has already been received'
                    ELSE NULL
        FROM    @t2 SD
                    LEFT JOIN StorBest.dbo.Warehouse_Loc_VIEW WLV ON SD.location_id = WLV.LocationID
                    LEFT JOIN StorBest.dbo.Warehouse W ON SD.warehouse_id = W.warehouseid
                    LEFT JOIN StockIN_Details SD2 ON SD.pallet_id = SD2.pallet_id
        ) AS tmp2

        SELECT * FROM @t1
        SELECT * FROM @t2

    --  IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT error_message FROM #tmp1 UNION ALL SELECT error_message FROM #tmp2) AS t WHERE error_message IS NOT NULL) = 0
    --    BEGIN
    --      INSERT INTO StockIN_Header SELECT * FROM @t1 
    --      INSERT INTO StockIN_Details SELECT * FROM @t2
    --    END


Whosebug 不会让我使用注释,因为 rep,但是当你只执行存储过程时会发生什么?你有什么收获吗?