服务器无法在使用 AntiForgeryToken 发送 HTTP header 后附加 header

Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent with AntiForgeryToken

我正在使用 C# 和 Twitter Bootstrap 构建我的第一个网站,我在 Post 中遇到 "Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent" 错误,同时发现验证问题和 TempData["ErrorMessage"]需要在return View(model)之后显示。具体错误发生在 html 行 @Html.AntiForgeryToken()。如果消息已设置并 returned 到验证之外的视图,则不会发生错误。

我已经尝试过:将 return View(model) 更改为 RedirectToAction ("Action", new { id = model.id })Redirect ("/Controller/Action/" + model.id.ToString()),如果该行在验证之外,这会起作用,但在条件验证之内会失败;在 Application_start 中将 AntiForgeryConfig.SuppressXFrameOptionsHeader 设置为 true;并在设置 TempData 和 returning 到视图之前调用 HttpContext.Response.Clear()。我还没有尝试过操纵 cookie,因为我不确定如何具体处理 anti-forgery 令牌。

我想要做的只是 return 在页面上显示 error/validation 消息而不是 pop-up 消息框的视图,以及 none上述方法奏效了。有谁知道为什么这个目标在验证之外起作用但在验证内部不起作用?非常感谢!

//Any return and message works correctly if done here
    //Various other validations using values pulled from database

    if (model.NewString.Length > 50 || model.NewString.Length < 7)
        //This throws the error
        TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Please enter a value of valid length.";
        return View(model);
    TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "There has been an error.";
    return RedirectToAction("Index");

编辑: 这是 Amit 要求的操作 as-is。

[Authorize (Roles = "Administrator, Owner, Director, Manager")]
public ActionResult CreateCustomer (CreateCustomerModel model)
    dbEntities db = new dbEntities();

    var CurrentBusinessID = 0;
    var CurrentPosition = "";
    var CurrentUserID = 0;

        if (Session["CurrentUserID"] != null)
            CurrentUserID = (int)Session["CurrentUserID"];
            CurrentBusinessID = (int)Session["CurrentBusinessInfoID"];
            CurrentPosition = (string)Session["CurrentPosition"];
    catch (Exception ex)

        var account = db.uspGetAccount(model.AccountID).FirstOrDefault();
        AccountsModel thisAccount = new AccountsModel()
            AccountID = model.AccountID,
            BusinessID = account.BusinessID
        if (thisAccount.BusinessID != CurrentBusinessID)

        if (model.Name == null || model.Name == "")
            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Please enter a name.";
            return View(model);
        if (model.NewString.Length > 50 || model.NewString.Length < 7)
            //This throws the error
            TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "Please enter a value of valid length.";
            return View(model);

        db.AddCustomer(model.Name, model.NewString);
        TempData["ErrorMessage"] = "There has been an error.";
        return RedirectToAction("Index");

    return RedirectToAction("Accounts");

此问题已通过在包含验证的 try 语句中更改 if 语句中的 Reponse.Redirect("/Home/Dashboard") 得到解决。将此行更改为 return RedirectToAction("Accounts") 解决了问题,但我不确定为什么。

if (thisAccount.BusinessID != CurrentBusinessID)
    Response.Redirect("/Home/Dashboard");//Solve the problem by replacing this