Create a wiggle effect for a text
所以我想要发生的是,当查看 Span 时,文本是正常的,但当您向下滚动时,它开始移动,直到它看起来像这样:
header 由每个字母的跨度表示。在初始状态下,每个顶部像素值都是 0。但是上面提到的想法是随着滚动值的变化而变化。
我想通过 JS 和 jQuery 跟踪滚动位置,然后根据需要更改像素值。但这就是我一直遇到的麻烦。让它顺利也是另一个问题。
像这样的东西将是你的 JS 功能的核心:
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
var scrl = window.scrollY
// Changing the position of elements that we want to go up
el.style.top = - scrl/30 +'px';
// Changing the position of elements that we want to go down
el.style.top = scrl/30 +'px';
我们基本上是在监听 滚动事件 ,检查用户滚动了多少,然后通过偏移我们的跨度 (我已分类为上下)
JSBin Example
Something you can improve on yourself would be making sure that the letters wont go off the page when the user scrolls a lot.
You can do this with simple math calculation, taking in consideration the window's total height and using the current scrollY
as a multiplier.
- 正如 RokoC 指出的那样,性能还有改进的空间。
分别对偶数和奇数索引处的字符使用数学函数sine and cosine,因为函数的图形像波浪一样上下移动。这将创建平滑效果:
cos(x) == 1 - sin(x)
,所以在某种意义上,每个角色都将是下一个角色的 "opposite",从而创造出那种分散的外观:
function makeContainerWiggleOnScroll(container, speed = 0.01, distance = 4) {
let wiggle = function() {
// y-axis scroll value
var y = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
// make div pseudo-(position:fixed), because setting the position to fixed makes the letters overlap
container.style.marginTop = y + 'px';
for (var i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++) {
var span = container.children[i];
// margin-top = { amplitude of the sine/cosine function (to make it always positive) } + { the sine/cosine function (to make it move up and down }
// cos(x) = 1 - sin(x)
var trigFunc = i % 2 ? Math.cos : Math.sin;
span.style.marginTop = distance + distance * trigFunc(speed * y)/2 + 'px';
window.addEventListener('scroll', wiggle);
wiggle(); // init
body {
height: 500px;
margin-top: 0;
span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
重要的样式说明: 跨度的 display
必须设置为 inline-block
,以便 margin-top
所以我想要发生的是,当查看 Span 时,文本是正常的,但当您向下滚动时,它开始移动,直到它看起来像这样:
header 由每个字母的跨度表示。在初始状态下,每个顶部像素值都是 0。但是上面提到的想法是随着滚动值的变化而变化。
我想通过 JS 和 jQuery 跟踪滚动位置,然后根据需要更改像素值。但这就是我一直遇到的麻烦。让它顺利也是另一个问题。
像这样的东西将是你的 JS 功能的核心:
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
var scrl = window.scrollY
// Changing the position of elements that we want to go up
el.style.top = - scrl/30 +'px';
// Changing the position of elements that we want to go down
el.style.top = scrl/30 +'px';
我们基本上是在监听 滚动事件 ,检查用户滚动了多少,然后通过偏移我们的跨度 (我已分类为上下)
JSBin Example
Something you can improve on yourself would be making sure that the letters wont go off the page when the user scrolls a lot.
You can do this with simple math calculation, taking in consideration the window's total height and using the currentscrollY
as a multiplier.
- 正如 RokoC 指出的那样,性能还有改进的空间。
分别对偶数和奇数索引处的字符使用数学函数sine and cosine,因为函数的图形像波浪一样上下移动。这将创建平滑效果:
cos(x) == 1 - sin(x)
,所以在某种意义上,每个角色都将是下一个角色的 "opposite",从而创造出那种分散的外观:
function makeContainerWiggleOnScroll(container, speed = 0.01, distance = 4) {
let wiggle = function() {
// y-axis scroll value
var y = window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;
// make div pseudo-(position:fixed), because setting the position to fixed makes the letters overlap
container.style.marginTop = y + 'px';
for (var i = 0; i < container.children.length; i++) {
var span = container.children[i];
// margin-top = { amplitude of the sine/cosine function (to make it always positive) } + { the sine/cosine function (to make it move up and down }
// cos(x) = 1 - sin(x)
var trigFunc = i % 2 ? Math.cos : Math.sin;
span.style.marginTop = distance + distance * trigFunc(speed * y)/2 + 'px';
window.addEventListener('scroll', wiggle);
wiggle(); // init
body {
height: 500px;
margin-top: 0;
span {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
重要的样式说明: 跨度的 display
必须设置为 inline-block
,以便 margin-top