blogdown ghostwriter 不会在 netlify 上呈现 Rmarkdown 图

blogdown ghostwriter doesn't render Rmarkdown plot on netlify

在包含在 blogdown 代笔主题中的 "Hello R Markdown" post 中,饼图在 Rstudio 查看器中呈现,但在部署到 Netlify 时不呈现。 Rstudio 视图: Netlify view Deployed with Hugo version 0.27.1. GitHub

您应该提交 GIT 中的 static/ 文件夹,如 blogdown 一书中的 Section C.6 所述。

As we mentioned in Section C.4, R plots will be copied to static/, so you may see new files in GIT after you render an Rmd file that has graphics output. You need to add and commit these new files in GIT, because the website will use them.