RdKafka Avro 消费者

RdKafka Avro Consumer

我需要在 C# RdKafka 客户端中读取 Avro 消息。在控制台命令中我使用这个 属性:

--属性 schema.registry.url=http://localhost:8081

如何将此 属性 放入客户端的配置中?

    var config = new Config() { GroupId = "kafkaUser",
                                EnableAutoCommit = enableAutoCommit,
                                StatisticsInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
                                ["auto.offset.reset"] = "smallest",
                                ["?"] = "http://localhost:8081" }; 

Confluent.Kafka is an alternative to the official confluent-dotnet-kafka,一度被认为是废弃


在 C# 客户端中,还有其他项目,例如 https://github.com/jakobz/schema-registry-dotnet - see in the test for usage with Avro library - and https://github.com/Judopay/Judo.Kafka/tree/master/src/Judo.Kafka, which use a portage of microsoft.Hadoop library to .net core and use https://github.com/Judopay/SchemaRegistryClient 模式注册表客户端)