类型“[vector_float3]”(又名 'Array<float3>')的值没有成员 'advanced'

Value of type '[vector_float3]' (aka 'Array<float3>') has no member 'advanced'

在 apple 的 arkit 示例代码中,我收到此错误“[vector_float3]”类型的值(又名 'Array')没有成员 'advanced' 它在 XCode 9 beta 版本或 GM 版本



func hitTestWithFeatures(_ point: CGPoint, coneOpeningAngleInDegrees: Float,
                             minDistance: Float = 0,
                             maxDistance: Float = Float.greatestFiniteMagnitude,
                             maxResults: Int = 1) -> [FeatureHitTestResult] {

        var results = [FeatureHitTestResult]()

        guard let features = self.session.currentFrame?.rawFeaturePoints else {
            return results

        guard let ray = hitTestRayFromScreenPos(point) else {
            return results

        let maxAngleInDeg = min(coneOpeningAngleInDegrees, 360) / 2
        let maxAngle = ((maxAngleInDeg / 180) * Float.pi)

        let points = features.points

        for i in 0...features.__count {

            let feature = points.advanced(by: Int(i))
            let featurePos = SCNVector3(feature.pointee)

            let originToFeature = featurePos - ray.origin

            let crossProduct = originToFeature.cross(ray.direction)
            let featureDistanceFromResult = crossProduct.length()

            let hitTestResult = ray.origin + (ray.direction * ray.direction.dot(originToFeature))
            let hitTestResultDistance = (hitTestResult - ray.origin).length()

            // All tests passed: Add the hit against this feature to the results.
            results.append(FeatureHitTestResult(position: hitTestResult,
                                                distanceToRayOrigin: hitTestResultDistance,
                                                featureHit: featurePos,
                                                featureDistanceToHitResult: featureDistanceFromResult))

        // Sort the results by feature distance to the ray.
        results = results.sorted(by: { (first, second) -> Bool in
            return first.distanceToRayOrigin < second.distanceToRayOrigin

        return cappedResults

我遇到了同样的问题,很高兴解决了。 Apple 已经在此处更新了此示例:https://developer.apple.com/library/content/samplecode/AudioInARKit/Listings/Audio_in_ARKit_ARSCNView_HitTests_swift.html


let points = features.__points


let points = features.points
