如何以编程方式查询 Google 的搜索量

How To Programmatically Query Google For Search Volume

有什么方法可以查询 Google 特定字词的搜索量吗?我在 IE 中输入 "Roofer Chicago" 结果是“每月 880 次搜索”?我一直在尝试对此进行研究,但所有以前含糊不清的答案现在肯定已经过时了。 谢谢!

您可以使用像 KWFinder to determine average monthly search volume. If you request API access 这样的工具,然后您可以从 Google App Engine 应用程序中以编程方式调用 api。

您也可以使用 Google's Keyword Planner to determine the monthly search volume of a keyword (and closely related keywords). The specific details of this can be found here,但这是他们提供的:

What your search volume statistics mean

Average monthly searches ("Avg. monthly searches"): The average number of times people have searched for a keyword and its close variants based on the targeting settings and date range you've selected. By default, we average the number of searches for the term over a 12-month period.

可以找到关键字规划器的 API here