Clojurescript reagent/as-element 传递道具?

Clojurescript reagent/as-element pass props?

我正在使用 material-ui 为 clojurescript (reagent-material-ui) 包装的框架和用于小型桌面应用程序的试剂。我想知道,当我使用 reagent/as-element 构造 React 元素的函数 我可以在其中传递 props 和样式吗?如果可以,如何传递?

看起来 ragent-material-ui 正在使用 cljsjs/material-ui "0.19.0-0"。适用的 material-ui 样式文档是 here.


;; Using inline styles 

(ns my.project
  (:require [reagent-material-ui.core :as ui]
            [reagent.core :as reagent]))

(reagent/as-element [ui/IconMenu
                        (el [ui/IconButton {:touch true} [icon "more_vert"]])
                       :style {}} ;; Your inline styles here
                        [ui/MenuItem "Delete"]])

;; Using component specific overrides 
;; (depending on the type of element you are styling this will differ)

(reagent/as-element [ui/IconMenu
                        (el [ui/IconButton {:touch true} [icon "more_vert"]])
                       :listStyle {}} ;; Your root element overrides here
                        [ui/MenuItem "Delete"]])