Eclipse 什么时候会原生支持 Java 9?

When will Eclipse support Java 9 natively?

我知道有一个插件Java 9 Support for Oxygen but does anyone know when will Eclipse support Java 9 natively? I looked on project website and blog (planet eclipse)但是找不到任何信息

JDK 9JUnit 5 的支持将随 Eclipse Oxygen.1a, October 11, 2017.


另见 announcement on the Eclipse [cross-project-issues-dev] mailing list

更新: 上述版本已发布(参见my video that shows the built-in Java 9 and JUnit 5 support of the Eclipse Java IDE Oxygen.1a)。

如果使用 Java 9 BETA 更新 Eclipse Oxygen 对 Oxygen 的支持卸载 Java 9 BETA 手动 (参见 Eclipse bug 526065)。