HibernateTransactionManager @Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW) 无法打开 2 个会话

HibernateTransactionManager @Transactional(propagation=REQUIRES_NEW) cannot open 2 sessions


public void myBatchJob() {
    // retrieves thousands of entries and locks them 
    // to prevent other jobs from touthing this dataset
    entries = getEntriesToProcessWithLock(); 
    additional = doPrepWork(); // interacts with DB
    processor = applicationContext.getBean(getClass());
    while (!entries.isEmpty()) {
        result = doActualProcessing(entries, additional); // takes as many entries as it needs; removes them from collection afterwards

但是,如果 entries 集合足够大,我偶尔会遇到以下错误。

ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded

我决定责怪 doActualProcessing()save() 方法,因为它们最终可能会在一次事务中创建数百个 blob。


public void myBatchJob() {
    // retrieves thousands of entries and locks them 
    // to prevent other jobs from touthing this dataset
    entries = getEntriesToProcessWithLock(); 
    additional = doPrepWork(); // interacts with DB
    processor = applicationContext.getBean(getClass());
    while (!entries.isEmpty()) {
        processor.doProcess(entries, additional);

public void doProcess(entries, additional) {
    result = doActualProcessing(entries, additional); // takes as many entries as it needs; removes them from collection afterwards

现在每当调用 doProcess 时,我都会得到:

Caused by: org.hibernate.HibernateException: illegally attempted to associate a proxy with two open Sessions

如何让 HibernateTransactionManager 执行 REQUIRES_NEW javadoc 建议的操作:暂停当前事务并开始新事务?



1) 在调用之前分离实体 processor.doProcess(entries, additional);:

session.evict(entity); // loop through the list and do this



2) 第二个选项是检索 ID 而不是 getEntriesToProcessWithLock 中的实体。然后您将传递不会导致代理问题的普通原始字段。然后,您将在内部事务中检索适当的实体。